workouts you tried before HST..........


New Member
Bodybuilding can be pretty frusterating at times because you can never know if a new workout will be right for you, and to find out if it is you could be completely wasting the the next 6 months...... There are so many diff. types of workouts and and everybody has their own opinion about weightlifting. So what have you tried in the past? what else has worked and what has failed for you?

i was making good gains on the general 2 muscles a day, but im a biology student and HST just sounded to promising and made to much sense. So hopefully ill be able to match the gains of some others on here.........
My experience. 3 years of lifting with football. All power/strength oriented training. Conditioning improved over the years.

Max-OT. Finally i was lifting on my own doing it my way. Results went quite well. I was considerably more muscular and also had lost fat. Good good. :)

Started throwing together my own routines. This was a period of alot of ironage influence. Followed my instincts, put a plan together on paper and did it. I basically worked out 4xweek, M,T, Th, F. Everything worked twice per week. Things were good, still was making progress.

HST. Between starting Max-OT and actually starting my first HST routine, i had tried it 2 other times in between and stopped a week or two into it. Couldn't handle the light weights mentally of the 15's. This time i stuck it out with a nice bulking diet. Made great gains, havn't changed the way i've worked out since. HST principles = for me! :D

Side note, no matter how you train, diet is everything. I never tried a nutritional plan until i started Max-OT. I sucked in everything they told me about their supplements, how to eat, etc. I did it all. In the end now days, the supplements didn't matter that much, it was controlled eating.

Regardless of eating, HST has been the best way to train for my goals (more muscle, less fat of course!).
Everything known to man from the days of Charles Atlas' Dynamic Tension through Bob Hoffman, Joe Weider, Ian King, et all. The best, by a long shot, is HST.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Old and Grey @ May 16 2005,6:45)]Everything known to man from the days of Charles Atlas' Dynamic Tension through Bob Hoffman, Joe Weider, Ian King, et all.