Wrist Injury, HELP ME


New Member
It was my last day of 5's (did the 5's twice) and was doing a DB side lateral raise (20lbs) when i twitched a muscle in my left hand.

I managed to do this weight (20lbs) before, and i know i jst raised the dumbells all wrong. My questtion is are there any exercise/strectching techniques i can do for fast recovery.

The pain mainly originates 1/2" below the wrist on my left hand (muscle pain is about 2".. am assuming this of course). The pain starts when i twist my wrist to the left or to the right, but on its normal posture, there's no pain at all

Its a good thing though, that this injury came in my last training day, so now im into SD but am having 9 days off only and would want my wrist to be ok before i start my 2nd cycle. Thanks!
Ice it now, while the pain is sharp. If it starts being stiff after a few days, start giving it heat.

When you start lifting again, do high-rep work with a low weight - reverse wrist flexion. Go for a strong burn, don't use heavy weights. The burn will increase blood flow in the area and help it heal.

Be careful with it not to aggravate it while it heals.

Lastly, I would take DB lat raise out of your mix for next cycle. Maybe try DB vertical rows, instead (puts your upper arm through the same motion, but your elbow is bent and the weight hangs straight down. It will free your forearm muscles from bearing the weight directly. It also makes it easier to increment, as you can handle more weight this way.)

Warning: like thumb and ankle sprains, forearm pulls can take a very long time to heal because it's hard to really stop using them.
Excellent advice so far! Two things I'd like to add:

Self-massage Apply pressure to the area where you are feeling the pain and bend your wrist slowly back and forth. Move an inch or so toward your elbow and repeat. The muscle is probably in spasm and you should be able to follow it from one end of the forearm to the other. Then start over but this time roll (pronate and supinate) your wrist.

Take note of any particularly tender areas and focus your icing on these spots, even if this is not normally where you are feeling the pain. You could do this a couple times a day, before icing.

Rehabilitative exercise EZBar wrist curls and reverse wrist curls. I wouldn't start these until the pain is greatly reduced. Start with one set of ten (light! maybe just the bar at first) each and work up to two sets each every other day.
Massage, stretch and ice afterwards and you should be well one your way.

Anti-inflammatories such as aspirin or ibuprofen are okay to help with the inflammation (provided your doctor and your stomach lining agree ;) ) but don't use them to do what your body is asking you not to do.
Thanks guys...

Who needs PT's and MD's when uve got co-members like you guys!

anyway the pain has subsided, but there is still some pain when pressure is applied to the wrist.
hi i have a wrist injury too.. it's (palm facing the ceiling) the right side of the wrist. it pops out when i do curls and it hurts a lot when i twist it to the left or right. my therapist taught me to tape my wrist in a certain way (although i don't know what's it for) and to do high-rep forearm exercises. and also, ice. it's been a week now and the pain has reduced by about 80%. i just wish it goes away in a week. if it doesn't, my therapist will want me to return back to the clinic. i'm currently on SD and i want to start again!! i removed curls from my exercises and replace it with hammer curls... i hate injuries!! ugh!!
hmm... just an update... i tried going back to bicep curls and there again.. i think a tendon just popped out and misplaced intself (then jumps back again to its original place after dropping the ezcurlbar).. geeeeez got to get this checked again. has anyone ever experienced this before?