Wrist injury


New Member
I'm wondering what will happen if you use excessive weight when performing wrist exercises such as wrist curl or using 300lbs. hand gripper. Will you cause trauma to muscle, attachments or joints?
Simultaneously??? something has to be weaker than other "system" components. In general the above question sounds pretty stupid
, but I'm just trying to figure out what is the weakest part of wrist
Excessive weight indicates a weight that you cannot safely handle. Not smart. You will damage your wrists.

Forget wrist curls. Work up to some heavy deadlifts with over/over grip or just some static holds. For static holds use a load that you can hold onto for about 15-20 seconds and then increase the load over time. Do a few 'sets'. Work up to loads that you can only hold onto for 5-10 seconds. Then back up a bit and start over.

Always warm up when using grippers by using a gripper that you can perform at least ten reps with.

For more grip-strength related ideas have a read of my Grip Test thread.
Lol, first of all, thanks for advice.
I guess I wasn’t clear enough, I'm just arguing with friend of mine over possible injuries of overloaded wrist, he says that you can’t harm your muscles or joints because your attachments will fail a long before you cause any injury to muscle. Since both of us don’t have medical education it cannot be nor proved neither shown to be false, so I decided to ask this question here.
BTW, I saw grip test thread and tested myself yesterday, well, that was humiliating