

New Member
I just heard about this pharamaceutical product called Xenical. It claims to block fat absorbtion by 30% by working in the digestive system to attatch itself to lipases and blocks them breaking down fat so they are eliminated through the bowels.
Just wondering what you heard or think? I'm not even considering supplementing it, I'm just curious.
I think its retarded. Why would you want to block fat absorption?  Sounds like another way to screw up your diet.  I dont know about you but eliminating fat via the bowels gives a new and literal meaning to "dropping a greasy bisquit."
haha true. I think i read a post from aaron T on if you were excreting fat through the bowels you will definately know about it in a bad way
Yeh stupid me ive understood this wrong. Even though you might not digest the fat doesnt mean it cannot be produced in the body due to excess caloric intake ...derrrrr
Dietary fat does not necessarily mean increased bodyfat. You can still get fat without a high dietary fat intake.
Now if there were a pill that would specifically accelerate the mobilization and subsequent oxidation of bodyfat or maybe even block new storage that would be awesome. Of course I am sure there would be some side effect like it would give you TEH AIDZ or something.
What? TEH AIDZ or the fat stuff?
From what I've heard, Xenical works, that doesn't mean its little side-effect isn't extremely unpleasant, perhaps unpleasant enough to put me off using it, but from all first-hand accounts I've heard it works. I'm talking dedicated body-builders who are cut as recommending this stuff.

But then I've heard from my boss that Kelp works as well...never argue with your boss (he's huge)...

Of course you have to eat a diet about 30-40% fat, fairly low in carbs, and not an overall calorie surplus, or your body will turn the carbs and protein you eat into bodyfat anyway. You're sposed to take it within an hour of a really fatty meal, so you can eat McDonalds and then take Xenical, and you will only absorb 70% of what you would have aborbed otherwise. No substitute for a disciplined diet, but might be good for those 1 offs when you go out to dinner with your friends etc.
Hmm in that case it wouldnt be a bad idea for when one strays off their diet for one reason or another. Generally, most of the time I cheat on my diet it with something with a lot of fat and carbs. I agree, it may be a good way to minimize the damage so to speak.
(Peak_Power @ Sep. 21 2006,15:15)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Of course you have to eat a diet about 30-40% fat, fairly low in carbs, and not an overall calorie surplus, or your body will turn the carbs and protein you eat into bodyfat anyway. You're sposed to take it within an hour of a really fatty meal, so you can eat McDonalds and then take Xenical, and you will only absorb 70% of what you would have aborbed otherwise. No substitute for a disciplined diet, but might be good for those 1 offs when you go out to dinner with your friends etc.</div>
Xenical recommends a lower fat diet than that, mainly becuase it will cause rather unpleasant gastric issues if you consume too much fat.

And if you do it after mcdonalds, it will cause a good mess
xenical and it's ilk are also called &quot;greasy fart pills&quot; by most medical people I know.

Want to have a suprise, uncontrolled, messy accident? Take xenical. Want to lose body fat - control what goes into your mouth. And don't make the mistake we made for years of thinking fat is bad. Even some saturated fat is needed for healthy hormone production.

I've been an AHA instructor for 16 years and taught &quot;low fat, low fat, low fat&quot;. Turns out - we were a little off in our way of thinking.

If you fat intake is too low, your digestion will not be great and your food will go through you too quickly to get optimum absorption from it. Generally, I reccomend about a 20% dietary fat intake, some need a bit more, some a bit less. Personally, if I go over 20% I can't eat enough and lose weight. To bulk, I'm eating 9% on lifting days, 18-20% on off days.

But back to xenical - skip it and take control of what you put into your mouth and you'll do well. I'm not trying to be a smart alec, mean natured, or unkind here but the fact is that the bodybuilding lifestyle is hard. It does require some sacrifice, giving up those tasty, fat gaining high fat/high carb at the same time foods is just one of those sacrifices we make to do our best.

Best wishes for getting the results you are looking for.
Didn't I read somewhere that 25-30% fat in a diet boosts Test? That's a good thing, right?

Mmmmm... faaaaaatttttt.....
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Didn't I read somewhere that 25-30% fat in a diet boosts Test? That's a good thing, right?</div>

If your diet is a combination of good fats, solid ratio of unsaturated to saturated fats, and EFA's from either fish or supplement, THEN retention of lean body mass and prevention of extra fat storage.