Your thought on Heavy Duty

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Actarus @ Nov. 27 2005,2:53)]yes it does
=> The huge majority of studies don't show differences.
Your posting THAT?
maybe you should quit while your behind.  becuase it is a worthless pos paper
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]=> again look at this link above for a review of studies. There is even a study (not in the link above) which shows that 6x per week reduce protein synthesis compared to lower frquency.
Besides that paper being a worthless POS, show us the link to the reduction in PS.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]=> ok deload or rest/recovery but it was NOT the purpose of the SD !
did I say it was?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]=> as long as the weight is heavy enough (probably up to 15-20RM or more) to reach full recruitment studies don't show differences.
So the weight has to bve heavy enough, but load isnt important?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]=> Fibers don't feel the tension of the weight they generate their own tension and fatigue progressively as they contract.
So they need tension?  what do they create the tension against?  a load perhaps?
fatigue based hypertrophy follows a slightly different pathway to the tension focussed pathway.  
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]=> If the degre of inroad/fatigue is the same both concentric and eccentric contractions will elevate protein synthesis to the same degre. Damages aren't an hypertrophy factor.
So in some situations it does?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Myofibrillar disruption following acute concentric and eccentric resistance exercise in strength-trained men
While I have seen this study before, i will ask this again.  Who would do eccentric exercise with 80% of their concentric maximum...  what a waste of time.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Jester @ Nov. 27 2005,3:39)]Go to Dan/dkm's site and ask for the study showing the difference between 1 set, 2 sets and 3 sets for hypertrophy.
Sig. difference 1 vs 2 or 3.
No sig. difference 2 vs 3.
If memory serves.
some of the newer meta-analyses show it all in a better light than any individual papers.

Some of the stuff (like the JEP paper linked above) are from HIT oriented (in this case a website only journal - which is definately down hte pecking order in terms of journal quality) and contain a lot of references to old HIT hacks such as Carpilelli and Otto
Aaron, we've discussed the Rhea's Metas as well at my site. But they are meta's looking at strength not hypertrophy specifically.

Jester, I think you might be confusing frequency with sets as I don't remember posting anything at my site that looked at hypertrophy specifically with one set. Our articles are based on how important work is and most of the studies looking at hypertrophy specifically do not use a one set regime, most use 3 or more.
Aaron you aren't fair

about SD... Bryan said it was to decondition muscular tissus and this idea is not supported.

Bryan said the hypertrophy stimulus is directly linked to LOAD (heavier load = more microtraumas, negs > postives etc). The idea is not supported.

The Paper I posted worthless ? So what are your references KRAEMER studies ? Studies don't support multiples sets and 'high' frequency (ie 3x per week and more).

I'm not saying HST doesn't work I'm saying it's not as scientific as someone could believe.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ Nov. 28 2005,2:12)]Aaron, we've discussed the Rhea's Metas as well at my site. But they are meta's looking at strength not hypertrophy specifically.
and so are the papers 'ripping' Rheas work apart.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Aaron_F @ Nov. 27 2005,9:01)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ Nov. 28 2005,2:12)]Aaron, we've discussed the Rhea's Metas as well at my site. But they are meta's looking at strength not hypertrophy specifically.
and so are the papers 'ripping' Rheas work apart.
That's very true and why I haven't used the Winnett, Carpinelli/Otto stuff to justify hypertrophy.
Actually, considering the various forms of HIT theories (most of which I have used at one time or another for the past 2 years), HST actually doesnt refute many of the theories behind HIT training protocol.

Mentzer and a few others advocated rest anywhere from 7-14 days, at least per bodypart. Now while this may seem extreme in many cases, figuring you are training at or very close to failure at the end of each HST cycle (approximately the 12th day or so) ..this failure or beyond failure workout (which is what I plan on doing a the end of each of my 2 week-cycles) conicides with some of the HIT theory... at least partially. From personal experience, some of my best strength gains come from resting this amount of time between the same bodypart.

The newest version of HIT ( Darden's) calls for 3 workouts per week with one not-to-failure workout in the middle... and eventually to two workouts per week... and Jones advocated similar in his early HIT theories. Seems the trend lately seems to shift back to more frequent training with lower volume per workout (also simliar to HST guildlines)

So... you are working out more frequently, with 5 of the workouts not to failure, and the final workout approximately TO failure, therefore giving you the benefits of...

More frequency
Less CNS stimulation
Occasional failure training (which IMO is good for change in mental pace, and I just enjoy the overall challenge of it)...

Seems it puts together many of the same theories into one workout.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]The newest version of HIT ( Darden's) calls for 3 workouts per week with one not-to-failure workout in the middle

Sounds like beginner 5x5. Without the warm ups and focus on big lifts.
I would take all studies comparing volume with a grain of salt. The individual, their condition, their performance of the set, yada yada makes it very hard to pin it down. I've had periods where single sets worked way better than multiple and periods where multiple sets worked better. All you have to do is get a group of people together at different stages with different tolerances to work/intensity of effort/etc. and you'll get all kinds of results.
