[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Maybe Daily One complemented with a straight magnesium product would be ideal.

Hi Jon Stark,

If you decide on striaght magnesium, you might want to try a non-oxide based form of magnesium such as Natural Calm. I have heard that magnesium oxide is so stable that it just passes through the body with little effect. Of course, I don't know if this is absolutely true, but then again... :confused:

Also, with regard to overdosing on Zinc--I heard a doctor discussing using Zinc to assist getting over viruses. He said that taking over 30 mg/day was pushing things a bit, and that the longer you take such quantities of Zinc, the more resistant the body becomes to Copper. It seems that 'balance' is the key. :D
[b said:
Quote[/b] (navigator @ Feb. 08 2003,9:21)]Also, with regard to overdosing on Zinc--I heard a doctor discussing using Zinc to assist getting over viruses. He said that taking over 30 mg/day was pushing things a bit, and that the longer you take such quantities of Zinc, the more resistant the body becomes to Copper. It seems that 'balance' is the key. :D
Zinc interferes with copper and iron absorbtion, so too much of anything isnt good.
In terms of zinc and colds (viruses) its a complicated subject
There has been around 14 studies on zinc and the common cold (usually rhinovirus infection), and less than half have been postive. Zincs potential method of action agaist viruses is multifactorial, but may include inhibition of protein formation in virus capsid, preventing binding of virus to epithelium, potentiating certian interferons and interferance with prostaglandin synthesis etc. The studies have generally been done with zinc salt lozenges, some of which may not have been suitable or as bioavailable.
But, recently in a trial from Department of Infectious diseases in Cleveland, a nasal zinc spray has been trialed with some success (the nose is where the viruses usually enter). If the spray was started within 24-48 hours post infection, it reduced the length of time that a person suffered from multiple effects of the cold.
But the differences, while statistically significant, werent outstanding.

The main point to note about this, is that its not chronic consumption of zinc that provides relief from colds, but potentially acute, pharmacological doses of zinc to effect the virus that you currently have.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Aaron_F @ Feb. 10 2003,2:29)]The main point to note about this, is that its not chronic consumption of zinc that provides relief from colds, but potentially acute, pharmacological doses of zinc to effect the virus that you currently have.
I agree...I should have been more clear. :D