ZMA is only effective if you have a deficiency in Zinc or Mg. It is worthless if you don't. A majority of athletes have these deficiencies. Take it with a grain of salt.
A large proportion of the athletes with zinc or mag deficiencies are endurance based, somebody eating meat and training 1hr 3x weekly is hardly going to be challanged.

If you do want to try it, buy the cheap generic stuff, or combined zinc and magnesium, dont bother with the overpriced ZMA products
The general (US) population is Zn and Mg deficient. Diets do not include enough nuts, veges and seafood for RDA's. This is regardless of utilization rates accompanied with exercise. Hard to find great sources of these minerals as well. Unless you like daily servings of oysters. ;)

you rekon that the general population in the US is Zinc/magnesium deficient,
given that zinc is an extremely hard to determine as deficient (as there is no decent measures of stores in the body, well unless blending up a human is decent)
and there would have to be published research showing nutritional status on a population level. In the US there is the NHANES sets of research (they are up the #4 now). But there isnt really any research published from any of hte NHANES (or other studeies really) that shows zinc status on hte populaiton level. (that I can find) which is strange considering blood zinc levels were measured. But there is probably the data on the CDC website, but there is vast quantities of it there so I cant be bothered looking at hte moment.
Magnesium is also a similar example.
It is a highly overrated, overhyped product.

If you take it as a snazy vitamin, fine.

If you take it to boost testosterone levels and/or to see noticeable stength/muscle gains, I have a nice bridge for sale.