Seeker's Quest for Success!


New Member
I'm doing the base work out that you can see here:

Today I started my 15s.

Squat - 2x15x75lbs

Bench(with legs at 90 degree angle to focus on middle pecs) - 2x15x65lbs

Shoulder Press - 2x15x40lbs

Wide Shoulder Press - 2x15x40lbs

Curls - 2x15x40lbs

Triceps Extension - 2x15x15lbs

Shrugs - 2x15x85lbs

Floor Crunches - 2x20xBW

Bench Leg Raises - 2x20xBW

Side Crunches - 2x20xBW

Planks - 2x20 seconds each set

Treadmill - 30 minutes before work out

(messed up shrugs, calves, delts and curls by not paying attention to the chart and realizing I do these Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I will edit this for Wednesday)

Diet - eat as much food as possible

Supplements - Creatine that has amino acids built into it, and amplified wheyobolic that has more protein and more amino acids etc.

Comment if you would like :)
Today I decided to do about 35 minutes worth of cardio, I'm trying to get low body fat percentage. I rather make small gains with no body fat then big gains with lots of body fat. Just my opinion at least. Although I am trying to feed my muscles as much protein and crap as possible. Also, I've always heard running is good for working the abs and any other muscle in your body, so it is a good helping tool. At least that's what it seems like to me.
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You are either bulking or cutting you can't do both at the same time. If you are eating a lot to feed the muscles and bulk and you are doing cardio you are using the excess energy you have eaten to "fuel" your run. If you want muscle gains it easier to not do any cardio. If you don't want to be in too big of a surplus to avoid gaining too much fat along with the muscles just don't eat too many excess calories.
You are either bulking or cutting you can't do both at the same time. If you are eating a lot to feed the muscles and bulk and you are doing cardio you are using the excess energy you have eaten to "fuel" your run. If you want muscle gains it easier to not do any cardio. If you don't want to be in too big of a surplus to avoid gaining too much fat along with the muscles just don't eat too many excess calories.
Ugh, so, pretty much it's impossible to get a TO look? That's pretty much what I want to aim for....I don't want any fat, I do wanna get bigger but not like Body Builder bigger. I've already went over this before. How the hell do you get defined and still have muscles like he does?

This has to be the most frustrating&annoying thing ever.
cut then bulk is pretty much the only way naturally, if you go the way of pro hormones/steroids then you can get shredded while still packing on some muscle.

You need to decide whether you want to be lean and slightly smaller than you are now, (you'll lose some size dieting) or bulk up and put some muscle and some fat on, then cut.

Dont fear the fat!

good luck mate.
Have you dieted down to be at your current level of leanness? If you are naturally lean at your present body weight then you will be able to add a fair amount of size without adding too much fat. However, some fat increase is inevitable. Don't forget that ratios of lean mass to fat mass can stay the same but both will have increased if your body weight has increased. I'd rather be 10% bf @ 200lb than 10% bf at 175lb even though that means adding 2.5lb of fat. :)

In reality, to get to 200lb in my example, you'd probably have to add ~10lb fat with a lean muscle increase of 15lb. That would take you to ~14% bf. Still, not bad and then just diet down while lifting heavy. Assuming you do everything right you could keep a large %age of your added 15lb muscle.
Oh, see I didn't understand that you also will be putting on the extra lean mass. Okay, I understand now. Thanks Lol.

I would like to get bigger but not to big, basically do I just keep building up till I think that I'm where I want to be then just maintain it somehow and keep low % BF? Good thing I'm only doing 15s :p Also, yes, I'm naturally skinny I guess you could say. Not much fat on me at all.

Thanks for the help :) make me less confused.

Front Squat - 2x15x60lbs

Dips - 2x15xBW+15lbs

Rows - 2x15x85lbs

Upright Rows - 2x15x40lbs

Front Shoulder Press - 2x15x35lbs

Back Shoulder Press - 2x15x35lbs

Shrugs - 2x15x90lbs

Biceps - 2x15x35lbs

Triceps Extension - 2x15x15lbs

Calves - 2x15x110lbs

Floor Crunches - 2x20xBW

Bench Leg Raises - 2x20xBW

Side Crunches - 2x20xBW

Planks - 2x20 seconds each set

Treadmill - 30 minutes before work out

Everyday I'm becoming stronger and more dedicated to a greater me. I push myself harder, I go slower withstanding the pain so that I might benefit from it. It's a challenge that I'm willing to overtake, I just must learn the program to perfection so that I won't make mistakes and hold up myself. I eat like nobody's business, I drink plenty of water. Even though this is only the first week of 15s, I can tell this is gonna work me. Just need to do it perfect.
I would like to get bigger but not too big
Well, getting too big is probably not an option as a natty. :) Just be consistent and work hard and you will make progress.

Just need to do it perfect.
It's great to set your sights high but don't get hung up on doing everything perfectly. It just isn't possible; there are so many variables that can effect your results. Just try to get more right than you get wrong and then, over time, you will continue to make progress.

Like LDU said, most folks find that they add both lean tissue and fat while bulking and then take a period of time to strip off some of the fat gained before returning to bulking again. Trying to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time can often be an exercise in frustration - unless you are very overweight, new to training or both.
Well, getting too big is probably not an option as a natty. :) Just be consistent and work hard and you will make progress.
Yeah, you're right :P

It's great to set your sights high but don't get hung up on doing everything perfectly. It just isn't possible; there are so many variables that can effect your results. Just try to get more right than you get wrong and then, over time, you will continue to make progress.

Like LDU said, most folks find that they add both lean tissue and fat while bulking and then take a period of time to strip off some of the fat gained before returning to bulking again. Trying to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time can often be an exercise in frustration - unless you are very overweight, new to training or both.
I mean, perfect technique in my exercises. I think my major problem was I never added in the part where I would be gaining muscle along with the fat, I just thought the fat part and that got me down.

How long would the period be to where you strip off the fat? Like, can you estimate the average week(s) you would take off before you start having some major loses in muscle or would you be doing a maintenance type work out so you keep your current size?

Also, in my last log it does show cardio but that's before we started discussing it on here so I could understand, I will be doing minimal cardio(WU) until I need to cut.

On another note, to work out hamstrings, can I switch leg curl w/ stiff-legged deadlift? I switched leg press w/ front squat, but I wasn't so sure about the former part.
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How long would the period be to where you strip off the fat? Like, can you estimate the average week(s) you would take off before you start having some major loses in muscle or would you be doing a maintenance type work out so you keep your current size?


On another note, to work out hamstrings, can I switch leg curl w/ stiff-legged deadlift? I switched leg press w/ front squat, but I wasn't so sure about the former part.

Cutting time would be dependent on desired bf level -- a good rule of thumb is to aim for 1lb a week fat loss in the initial stages of a cut. You would need to be lifting heavy loads to encourage your body to maintain lean mass while cutting. That basically means you should work in the 5RM - 15RM load range. An HST cycle where you start at the 10s is a good approach - you might have to reduce volume a little though compared to when your calorie intake is higher. Maintaining lean mass is generally more straightforward than gaining new lean mass.

SLDLs are a great posterior chain movement. They'll work your hams, glutes and back really hard. Good choice.
That's what I was thinking, so I will incorporate that into my training now.

Okay, this question has really been addressed directly but if you wanted to maintain the current size you were at you would just do the 10s and 5s?

Should I try to involve as much compound exercises as possible? That's how you gain a lot of mass correct? Any ideas if so?
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Squat - 2x15x80lbs

Bench - 2x15x70lbs

Shoulder Press - 2x15x40lbs

Wide Shoulder Press - 2x15x40lbs

Chins - 2xhowever many i could doxBW

Curls - 2x15x40lbs

Triceps Extension - 2x15x25lbs

Shrugs - 2x15x90lbs

Floor Crunches - 2x20xBW

Bench Leg Raises - 2x20xBW

Side Crunches - 2x20xBW

Planks - 2x20 seconds each set

Just getting it done, it's getting kinda harder but oh well. I keep pushing through.
How long would the period be to where you strip off the fat? Like, can you estimate the average week(s) you would take off before you start having some major loses in muscle or would you be doing a maintenance type work out so you keep your current size?

i cut for 12 weeks, losing a total of 16lbs.

*edited pics out so not to hijack thread*
Last edited: seem to not have a defined body still though..
It is important you understand what you are aiming at. If you are not planning on using anabolic steroids then you can't aim at muscle magazines looks. You can get defined and muscular without drug assistance but it is in a whole different level from what you'll see in the cover of a muscle magazine. Some of these guys will even say they are not using drugs but don't be misleaded or you'll be in for some disappointment.
thank you very much, lol thats around 10% bodyfat, (roughly).

Very hard to get the muscle mag look without assistance.

Good job LDU. My guess from your pics is that you are somewhere around 12% bf. Did you do any calliper checks?

It is very possible to get leaner without the aid of drugs (I'm not counting good old caffeine as a drug) but you will inevitably lose more lean mass as you strive for lower and lower bf %ages. Genetics play a big part too. Trying to maintain lean mass while getting to sub-10% bf levels is difficult, requiring careful attention to detail as far as training and dieting (inc. refeeds) are concerned. Lyle McDonald's UD2 is a protocol that's worth trying if you are really keen to get under 10% bf.
I meant like usually you can see abs at under 10% BF. Maybe I should show you guys my body....;) hahahaha. That sounds wrong.

Need my questions answered from above^^^^^^^^
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