Seeker's Quest for Success!

I have to echo grunt's last post. You really are way overthinking this diet thing... Just eat a good selection of vegetables, a little fruit, then a ton of protein. I either count calories or at the very least count my grams of protein and then eat as much as I can on top of that. Total calorie amount and total amount of protein is going to be more important than what you are actually eating if you are trying to gain mass.

As grunt said earlier, flyes will not change the shape of your pecs. If you feel your inner pecs are too small, then you need to grow your pecs larger. I've noticed as mine grow larger than the inner part has started to fill out better, so I think you just need to be patient.
Everyone makes a huge deal about dieting though, that's the only reason it's such a big deal to me. I noticed I don't eat enough vegetables in my diet so that's a good think I am paying more attention to it. Anyways. I'll worry about eating the protein part first then finish it up with eating as much carbs as possible.
My suggestion is while bulking to eat what you like. Just keep you protein up and don’t go ape with high fat food but otherwise I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Keep in mind that eating a very low fat diet will probably hinder your growth.
I wasn't aiming for a low fat diet, I just over went the fat with how much alfredo I ate haha.
Yeah, people do make a huge deal out of it. But... and I know this isn't always a fair statement, but look at most of the guys who are totally anal about making sure they 'eat clean bro' and all that. Usually they aren't terribly large. It doesn't really matter how clean your diet is, that won't effect partitioning. Anyway, I think you'll be fine with what you have planned.
Yeah, people do make a huge deal out of it. But... and I know this isn't always a fair statement, but look at most of the guys who are totally anal about making sure they 'eat clean bro' and all that. Usually they aren't terribly large. It doesn't really matter how clean your diet is, that won't effect partitioning. Anyway, I think you'll be fine with what you have planned.
Yeah, you do make a good point. I think my diet will help me get a general idea of what I'll be eating through out the day etc. otherwise I'll probably not eat close to where I'm supposed to be eating.

I got my walker for chest dips and I've got to say that exercise sure is different! I felt like it was beating my ass, I could only get in maybe three/four at most. It really hit my shoulders, I will probably practice form but I think that's pretty easy to pick up on. Thanks for the walker advice grunt!
15s Max
Chest Dips - Negatives
Rows - 85lbs
Press - 65lbs
SLDL - 125lbs
Bench - 90lbs/95lbs
Chin Ups - Negatives
Deadlift/Squat - TBD(I didn't feel like doing them tonight)
Shrugs - 110lbs

Summary: I started the work out with a hopeful mind that my lower back wouldn't get achy. Well. I wouldn't say my lower back got achy but after bent rows I felt a tightness on my lower left side on my back kinda on my side. My mid-back spine felt a little tense as well, not sure if that's a normal feeling? It didn't give me discomfort, I just began worrying again but it went away after I did press so I began thinking it might have just been used during rows or I may have failed to properly breathe in then tighten the abs which I did the rest of the night. I was really surprised that when I did SLDL I didn't feel the tightening, it was very nice. Bringing back shrugs was a shock to my system my whole traps and into my neck somewhat got extremely tight afterwards. I didn't really feel like doing deadlift/squat tonight because I'm pondering whether or not I should even do them during my 15s? Anyone can help me out on that answer. Other than that, I was glad to be back working out.
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10s Max
Chest Dips - Negatives
Rows - 130lbs
Press - 80lbs
SLDL - 140lbs
Bench - 135lbs
Chin Ups - 10 One Arm Negatives
Deadlift/Squat - 155lbs/155lbs (They usually are the same...)
Shrugs - 135lbs

Summary: I felt the tightness in my midback after the rows again.... Oh well. I didn't feel the tightness during deadlift so I was glad about it. Other than that, I'm pretty excited to start working out again. Stay tuned for my 5s!
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5s Max
Chest Dips - BW+10lbs
Rows - 150lbs
Press - 90lbs
SLDL - 165lbs
Bench - 170lbs
Chin Ups - BW+10lbs
Deadlift/Squat - 190lbs/180lbs
Shrugs - 170lbs

Work Out #1 (weight x reps x sets)
Chest Dips - 15 Negatives, Two Sets
Rows - 60lbsx15x2
Press - 40lbsx15x2
SLDL - 100lbsx15x1
Bench - 65lbsx15x2
Chin Ups - 15 Negatives, One Set
Deadlift/Squat - None
Shrugs - 85lbsx15x2

Summary: After taking a long break this session was definitely a struggle, it kicked my arse. It wasn't impossible at all, it was just physically draining for sure. That's what 15s are all about though, right? Anyways. The chest dips were certainly something else.... It shocked my body for sure, something totally new and it could tell. My back didn't get as tight during rows but it did get a little tight. I need to make sure form is correct. Perhaps a video would help. Press was good. SLDL didn't go very well, I need to make sure I'm doing correct form because my lower back got really tight after completion. Bench/Shrugs wasn't too bad. Chin Ups really got to me, my forearms were killing me afterwards. I'm glad to be working out again though, hopefully I'll see some results.
If BB Rows are causing you back issues you might want to try Supported DB rows if you have any DBs. If not you might consider picking up one or two Olympic DB bars to add to your arsenal. Supported rows will still hit your back but not as much as unsupported.

Also, if you listed the order of your exercises you might want to switch some things around. I personally wouldn’t do SLDL or even Rows, but especially the SLDL before doing Squats or Deadlifts. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to do Deadlifts/Squats first, some people don’t like that, but I really wouldn’t want to tire out my lower back before doing even heavier exercises that hit it pretty hard.
If BB Rows are causing you back issues you might want to try Supported DB rows if you have any DBs. If not you might consider picking up one or two Olympic DB bars to add to your arsenal. Supported rows will still hit your back but not as much as unsupported.

Also, if you listed the order of your exercises you might want to switch some things around. I personally wouldn’t do SLDL or even Rows, but especially the SLDL before doing Squats or Deadlifts. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to do Deadlifts/Squats first, some people don’t like that, but I really wouldn’t want to tire out my lower back before doing even heavier exercises that hit it pretty hard.
I would like to figure out why I am having the issues during BB rows though, I never had them before but I may be implementing form incorrectly. I'll post a video for you to criticize then I can get some good idea of how to do them right if they are wrong. (I meant criticize in a good way :D )

Why wouldn't you do rows, besides the back problem? I'm not going to do SLDL because I wanna focus on the squat more. I will also post a picture and show you the area of my back that hurts.

Work Out #2

Chest Dips - 15 Negatives then 8 Negatives, One Set per rep range
Rows - 65lbsx15x2
Press - 45lbsx15x2
Bench - 70lbsx15x2
Chin Ups - 15 Negatives, One Set
Deadlift/Squat - None
Shrugs - 90lbsx15x2

Summary: Chest Dips..... Boy, those are definitely a exercise everyone should implement in their workout. I feel my chest being worked and my triceps being worked to a great extent. More than I do through bench, although bench is always a must imo. Rows, I still felt the back pain but it doesn't continue after I workout, it goes away. Press worked well, felt it work my shoulders/traps. Everything went perfect minus Rows. Sticking good to eating the right food and as much as I can and doing LIGHT cardio on off days.
Why wouldn't you do rows, besides the back problem? I'm not going to do SLDL because I wanna focus on the squat more. I will also post a picture and show you the area of my back that hurts.
It’s not that I wouldn’t do Rows I just feel that Supported DB Rows are more effective because I can get a greater range of motion than with BB or Cable Rows. Part of this is that I can get a better stretch at the bottom besides pulling the DB up higher than a BB because it’s off to the side and doesn’t hit my body. I also feel I can do them more strictly since it’s supported however that can be done with BB and Cable if you have the right equipment.

Summary: Chest Dips..... Boy, those are definitely a exercise everyone should implement in their workout. I feel my chest being worked and my triceps being worked to a great extent.
Some people feel the Chest Dip is more effective than the Bench as a mass building exercise. Not sure if there’s any proof to this or if it just depends on the person. Many people, I for one, can Chest Dip more than Bench Press. So that alone could create more potential for grown.
It’s not that I wouldn’t do Rows I just feel that Supported DB Rows are more effective because I can get a greater range of motion than with BB or Cable Rows. Part of this is that I can get a better stretch at the bottom besides pulling the DB up higher than a BB because it’s off to the side and doesn’t hit my body. I also feel I can do them more strictly since it’s supported however that can be done with BB and Cable if you have the right equipment.

You can't do as much weight though as you would through BB rows. Correct? I have some resistance cables, nothing crazy just simple stuff.
Some people feel the Chest Dip is more effective than the Bench as a mass building exercise. Not sure if there’s any proof to this or if it just depends on the person. Many people, I for one, can Chest Dip more than Bench Press. So that alone could create more potential for grown.
Yeah, I definitely feel as though Chest Dip works better than the Bench Press. It's probably more of a psychological thing than anything because I don't fear weight falling on me. On another note, I was weighing 177lbs in the morning and now I'm weighing 182.5lbs so hopefully that's not of fat haha.
You can't do as much weight though as you would through BB rows. Correct? I have some resistance cables, nothing crazy just simple stuff
I’m not sure about everyone else but I can do more weight while maintaining strict form by doing supported DB rows. If you don’t have the equipment then just do regular rows supported or not depending on what you have available. My main reason for suggesting supported rows is not because they are my preference but because you seem to still be having back issues and until you address that problem I would try to limit doing exercises that hit the lower back hard, either until it becomes stronger (if that’s the problem) or you get the underlying problem corrected.

On another note, I was weighing 177lbs in the morning and now I'm weighing 182.5lbs so hopefully that's not of fat haha.
It’s muscle glycogen, creatine, the food in your gut and associated water retention that increased your weight so dramatically. It’s usually pointless to weigh yourself more than once a day preferably in the morning right when you get up. That will give you the most consistent measurements, however, even then only by tracking your weight over the course of a week or so and watching the trend will you get any real idea if you are gaining, losing or maintaining weight.

The only time I weigh myself more than once a day is before and periodically after a very long run so I can ensure I’ve carbed and hydrated back up properly.
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I’m not sure about everyone else but I can do more weight while maintaining strict form by doing supported DB rows. If you don’t have the equipment then just do regular rows supported or not depending on what you have available. My main reason for suggesting supported rows is not because they are my preference but because you seem to still be having back issues and until you address that problem I would try to limit doing exercises that hit the lower back hard, either until it becomes stronger (if that’s the problem) or you get the underlying problem corrected.
Yeah, I understand.

It’s muscle glycogen, creatine, the food in your gut and associated water retention that increased your weight so dramatically. It’s usually pointless to weigh yourself more than once a day preferably in the morning right when you get up. That will give you the most consistent measurements, however, even then only by tracking your weight over the course of a week or so and watching the trend will you get any real idea if you are gaining, losing or maintaining weight.

The only time I weigh myself more than once a day is before and periodically after a very long run so I can ensure I’ve carbed and hydrated back up properly.
I only weigh myself only once and it's as soon as I wake up then take care of my toilet duties.
Work Out #3
Chest Dips - 15 Negatives+2.5lbs, Two Sets
Rows - 70lbsx15x2
Press - 50lbsx15x2
Bench - 75lbsx15x2
Chin Ups - 15 Negatives, One Set
Deadlift/Squat - None
Shrugs - 95lbsx15x2

Summary: Everything went well today, I correctly did rows thus fixing the back issue that was aggravating me. I kinda half ass'd the chin ups but that's fine. I've been eating everything that I'm supposed to so I can grow. I'm ready to get done with doing 15s though so we can produce some significant growth. That's it for now though! I'll be back Monday with more :D
Work Out #4
Chest Dips - 15 Negatives+5lbs, One Set
Rows - 75lbsx15x2
Press - 55lbsx15x2
Bench - 80lbsx15x2
Chin Ups - 8 Negatives, One Set (I have a pain I will later discuss in summary... Not due to exercise.)
Deadlift/Squat - None
Shrugs - 100lbsx15x2

Summary: It went pretty good all in all since I started doing rows correctly thus lower back pain = gone. On another note... I have this lump behind my head below the skin, it's been there for a while but recently while I was doing Chest Dips something happened and it created a sharp pain that went to my head. It now happens when I am doing some kind of slightly heavy work thus for chin ups I can't really push myself. I am heading to the doctor Monday(July 25th) to find out what it is, how to treat it etc. I hope it's nothing serious, I guess I'll be taking a break on working out...
I went to the hospital this morning because my head ache wouldn't go away from yesterday of attempting to work out. Anyways. I went into there and I told the doctor what went wrong etc. They did a CT scan and found nothing and he said that I strained a muscle near my occipital lobe that was swollen. They called it a tension headache. I'm gonna wait about a week till I work out again then I'll just jump right into 10's.
I’m not so sure jumping into the 10s with a strained muscle is a good idea at least with the exercises that it affects. Get rid of the strain and start working your way back up or you might end up with a much longer layoff than you want. What did the doctor say about you continuing to lift within a week?
I’m not so sure jumping into the 10s with a strained muscle is a good idea at least with the exercises that it affects. Get rid of the strain and start working your way back up or you might end up with a much longer layoff than you want. What did the doctor say about you continuing to lift within a week?
She said that I could within a few days but I'm gonna give it a good solid week before I jump into 10s. I want to make sure it's better before I start lifting heavier.
Just an update, I'm still working out but I had to start over because of my one and a half week break due to a strain in my neck. I'm doing the same thing as I did in my previous 15s work out so I didn't see a point in re-typing it all. Kinda pointless. I switched Chest Dips with Bench but it's all about the same :p I'll get to updating soon though!