Over maintenanceIs that 150-200 calories extra between the two bulks or 150-200 over maintenance
Over maintenanceIs that 150-200 calories extra between the two bulks or 150-200 over maintenance
To me that's where the issue is, for example if your maintenance level is correct then consuming 150 over that would require just over 7 weeks for 1 kg, if you underestimate your maintenance level by only 50 calories then this would increase this period to 11 weeks. 150 - 200 calories over a day is too close to maintenance calories which at the end of the day is pure guesswork. I understand you do not want to gain 1 lb per week but I feel you need to increase to 500 extra per day and reduce slightly if you feel weight gain is too much.
What about 3day vs 5day a week training, see my previous posts as well.
My preference is to train more often as you maybe aware from my own log I currently train every day, this upcoming cycle I am using the weekend as Active Recovery days on upper body exercises
for me this daily training didn't keep its promises it apparently does in others.
I did not lose any fat, compared to getting jacked in the C. Thibeaudau article,
I did not gain any mass
I did not gain any Bodyweight
I might have lost a little bit in arm size
I might have gained a little bit of fat anyway
I did gain in strength
While training 30 mins 5 days a week was nice from a social/organisational point of view, it seems it does not provide the stimulus I need
I cannot afford to waist another bulk.
During this cycle, 2kg should be gained when in bulk mode or 4kg lost when in cut mode.
I use myo reps all the time and I talked about 2 exercices per bodypart, not 2 sets.
Monday training looks like this:
Bench Press:
All in this setup:
=> 3 warm up sets
=> 2 worksets of 5 , I take a good 30 sec rest between the two
Tricep dips:
=> no warm up sets
=> 2 AMRAP sets, also around 30 sec rest between both
Tuesday training is a 5's training doing,
Rack pull: 1x5
Landmine press: 2x5
Lat pull down: 2x5
Partial chin up or negatives, cannot do a chinup from a dead hang
@Mojo77, Sorry to hear your current lack of motivation due to your recent sickness, personally in your situation and taking into account it is Christmas Day in only 4 days (where did the year go?) I would start afresh and set up a new cycle go to straight back into it full training after the New YearTime for a small update. Things aren't going very well right now. I got sick mid cycle and lost 3kg in 3days time which I was unable to regain for the most part so far. That was a few weeks go.
Have been missing more workouts than I'd like since then. it really messed up my cycle.
The holiday season isn't helping either. Whenever I'm in holiday as right now, I tend to lose focus. Sleeping out later, messes with my food intake, other activities messes with my training schedule and staying up later messes with my recovery. Meaning I'm back usually being a classic undereater without a lot of motivation for training. I'm basically in a rut.
How to get back into things? Maybe I should start back with some small random fun exercises, just a few in a 15 minute workout to get the hang of it again. Something in the 10-rep range, not too exhaustive and not too explosive.
That seems like an idea but it still sucks as I had really put my mind on weighing 75kg by the end of this year. Being closer to 70kg right now really sucks.
Got sick again two weeks ago with the flue, fever for a week and had to cope with residual fatigue the week after. So once agin no training in two weeks and another cycle phucked away.
This is getting months now that I'm stagnating and not getting anywhere.
I've resumed training yesterday and decided to give the daily training regimen a go again. Now that I have cracked the food conundrum hopefully (if stomach copes) I will rely on a partial GOMAD strategy as it fits my needs (when weight gain stalls).
One can always squeeze in 20 minutes of training doing a pull, a push and a leg exercise
Intended setup is,
Do 5-3-3-2-2 myo style rest between 5 and 10 breaths
Same style
Rack pull
Lat pull down
Landmine press
Do single set AMRAP with min 15 reps
Exercises of monday and tuesday + curls and pushdowns
Thursday off
Do 10-4-4-3-3 myo style
Exercises of monday
Same style as friday
Exercises of tuesday
Sunday off
Weight progression is hst style' 8 week cycle start rms minus 20%, add 5% each week