Recent content by George

  1. G

    Patellar Tendonitis

    training- keep the force at 90degrees to the lower leg which will help keep the shear forces off the knee. Ultrasound may help. If you live in Canada I can direct you to a clinic that can help greatly.
  2. G


    Steve, Just a thought. I am taking arimidex as were you. However, I, for lack of a better term "weened" myself from one-half a .25 gram every 3-4 days to one-quarter a .25 gram pill every 3-4 days. I get blood tests done regularly and this very low dose has kept my estrogen in...
  3. G


    I'm doing a little leaning out right now so I'm not adding in dextrose or maltodextrin. I am adding one-half packet of myoplex or metrx to up the protein and add some carbs. Be well and big, George
  4. G

    Testosterone question for Bryan

    I had the same problem you have, although I haven't been on e/c. One thought is to also have your DHEA sulfate level checked. Besides testosterone my DHEA level was extremely low. Too, I get my supplemental Test. and DHEA from a compounding pharmacy. It requires a prescription but the test...
  5. G

    Liver IGF-1 and Muscle IGF-1

    Bryan, First, thanks for the response. Second, is it correct to assume then that my blood level IGF-1 should be of no real concern to me regarding muscle growth. Several years ago my MD found my IGF-1 levels to be very low and started me on low dosage growth hormone. My IGF-1 levels are now...
  6. G

    Liver IGF-1 and Muscle IGF-1

    I just read Bryan's article and report on the research done as to the effect of concentric exercise and eccentric exercise on IGF-1. The interesting thing to me - (that I didn't know) - is that only the IGF-1 from the muscle cell is useful to hypertrophy and not that from the liver. Is there a...
  7. G

    Where are you from?

    Ok guys here it comes - I'm from New London, North Carolina, USA. My town is very small , (1,000 people). We were named after London, England in 1876 when the British came over to mine gold here. They changed the name of our town to "New London". For those of you not from the US its...
  8. G


    I'm 51 and have been taking DHEA for about 5 years. I first starting taking some that I bought at my local health food store and saw no effects whatsoever. I then had my blood level tested and they were literally in the tank. I now take 75 mg per day. It is made by a compounding pharmacist...