Recent content by Nixter

  1. N

    Need 2 week plan (upcoming show)

    Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I 'm not really expecting any miracles, just some tips. I'll probably just continue with what I'm doing. Just started 2nd week of 15's (first cycle) The show will happen the day after the first week of 10's so it's probably good timing pump-wise. THanks, Nix
  2. N

    Need 2 week plan (upcoming show)

    Hi guys, So I got ropped into doing a male beachwear fashion show in 2 weeks (July 23rd) and I'm looking for some training tips in order to maximize volume and minimize fat in the next 2 weeks. I'm quite tall at 6'4 and fairly lean relative to bodybuilding (202lbs). I've often noticed that I...
  3. N

    Need 2 week diet plan (upcoming show)

    Hi guys, So I got ropped into doing a male beachwear fashion show in 2 weeks and I'm looking for some diet tips in order to maximize fat loss but not lose too much mass either if possible. I'm quite tall at 6'4 and fairly lean relative to bodybuilding (202lbs). I can't simply do a calorie...
  4. N

    Newb cycle question

    Cool, that's what I've been doing. Nix
  5. N

    Newb cycle question

    Ok, so I set up a cycle and I have a question about certain exercises like bicep curls where small increments in weight reduction from a max make a huge difference over a 6 workout session. For example... Let's say on my first 2 weeks of 15's my final bicep workout is 2x15x35 lbs. (2 x35 lbs...