Protein Intake


New Member
For quite awhile I'd been relying on powders primarily as my source for protein. Lately I've been foregoing the powder and started to try and eat more, just to see how it would affect me. I have to admit, not only did I wind up gaining a bit more mass, but my waistline actually decreased about a 1/2 inch. I'm eating a lot more fish and chicken, not to mention cheese. Also in there are various other meats (i.e. Hamburgers, london Broil, etc.), and beans. For awhile there I had found my mood to be irritable and my muscles feeling kind of flat (I finally understood what was meant by that). Now that I'm taking in more actual food I've found my mind more active and my body more responsive to lifting.

I'm not sure if I'm going to completely give up powders but I'm going to drop it for awhile just to get over the psychological "bad taste" it's left in me.
That's why we call them "supplements". I'm guilty of relying too much on protein drinks too. For me its a matter of convenience, but its still better to eat a good diet of whole foods whenever possible.
Well that's what I'm going to be doing from now on. Protein from whole foods. I'll see what happens for the remainder of this cycle and the next one, eating a high protein diet consisting of food sources rather than powders. I've kind of lost my taste for powders anyway.

I'll still be taking creating, though. Obtaining Creatine naturally just wouldn't be possible. Way too much to eat.