

New Member

Could you please post a link to the article about changing number of "sets" in consecutive RMs (15x1, 10x2, 5x3-4). I remember there was something about TUT, with few tables allowing to understand it better. I've just forgotten where it is.

Thanks, but that's not what I mean:)
It was mainly about increasing the numeber of sets to maintain relatively the same TUT.
15 x 1 = 15
10 x 2 = 20
5 x 4 = 20
As far as I remember it was posted somewhere with "think-muscle" in url - but I may be wrong.
If your are referring to the post about Charles Ridgely's recommendation in his book it was titled "confused". Otherwise I'm not sure what you are looking for. There have been tons of threads on volume and how to manipulate reps, sets.

Good Luck
