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  1. Old and Grey

    The Infamous Dr. Ken Leistner Training Video

    The video of AJ strikes me as below average for someone who lifts. The still pictures show a much younger and more muscular AJ but not above average in my opinion. Possibly due to being on then off steroids. I don't know.
  2. Old and Grey

    The Infamous Dr. Ken Leistner Training Video

    Perhaps a bit off the main purpose of your post, Mikey, but I believe that rep speed clearly matters. You appear to be saying that rep speed is irrelevant. Please set me straight if I misinterpreted you or took too literally what you were saying. However, in either case I do agree that...
  3. Old and Grey

    Rest-pause Instead Of Normal Sets...

    Do not fool around with SI injuries. I had rotator cuff and SI surgery and it was a full year to get back to 100% recovery. Exercising incorrectly with even a simple SI injury can lead to rotator cuff tears and muscle/bone separation which needs to be grafted back.
  4. Old and Grey

    Rest-pause Instead Of Normal Sets...

    It's frustrating but I would start over again. After two or so weeks off due to an unrelated illness, you cannot just pick up where you were with the 5's without risking additional injury to your SI.
  5. Old and Grey

    You Don't Need A Caloric Surplus To Build Muscle

    We all know that a caloric surplus will help build muscle. It also builds fat. My questions is more along the lines of can one who has 10-20 pounds of fat around the stomach somehow use that already stored fat and build muscle without eating a surplus of calories? I have some small love handles...
  6. Old and Grey

    You Don't Need A Caloric Surplus To Build Muscle

    I'm getting bored here. Time to start some controversy. As per Christian Thibaudeau: "Yes, you read that right. The "evidence-based" coaches will want to destroy me, but I have science to back me up when I say that you don't need extra calories to build muscle. In fact, a caloric surplus isn't...
  7. Old and Grey


    Always listen to your what your body tells you. Dial back when you do not have full recovery before your next workout. That being said, I almost always find that my body responds best to 4-5 mini sets.
  8. Old and Grey

    My Routine, Too Much Volume? And Do You Agree With My Customization/theories?

    Tricep kickbacks would be better placed with 15's than the 5's. I prefer using bands with them. Too much weight and your form and ability to do fully extend are compromised.
  9. Old and Grey

    Rest-pause Instead Of Normal Sets...

    Depends on the length of your layoff but I would play it safe and start at the first week of 15's with a reduction in weight used. A second injury will be even worse than what you are experiencing now. You cannot lift if you are injured.
  10. Old and Grey

    Hypertrophy And Effective Reps - Incomplete Model?

    I think a lot of it has to do with where you are in your training career. Beginners, intermediates and even early advanced lifters can grow with sub maximal training. Hard core long-time trainees, I believe, need to be close to failure a good part of the time to induce hypertrophy and Myo reps...
  11. Old and Grey

    Integrating Myoreps Into Standard Hst Program

    It really depends on the how advanced you are in training, your training age and your chronological age. Once you get into Myo Reps, there is no "one size fits all". For me it works best with using Myo reps every workout for 3-4 sets per body part (i.e., one 20+ rep activation set and followed...
  12. Old and Grey

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    The Advantages Of Training 3 Days A Week 1 – Greater Frequency All else being equal, the more you can disperse your training volume over a greater number of sessions, the better you're likely to do. If we compare three days a week with the push/pull system for instance, you'll notice something...
  13. Old and Grey

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    An older article by Charles Staley which addresses in a non-technical, non-theoretical manner, some of what you tossed around about frequency. For me, the best workout is 3X per week, 4 sets per body part (many just one giant set of 4 different non rest exercises) using HST and Myo Reps. No...
  14. Old and Grey

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Like Totz, I am a big supporter of Myo Reps. I just turned 74 and my arms grew close to an inch this past year using Myo Reps with similar gains all over. I found it especially good for tris, shoulders and traps...areas that respond to high reps and can tolerate high intensity volume. May be a...
  15. Old and Grey

    20 Breathing Reps For All Exercises

    General comment and not aimed at anyone who posted on this thread: Look, it is very simple. The more advanced you get, the harder you have to work. There are no simple shortcuts. Period!!! Work harder or stay the same. That does not have to mean longer workouts. The way you do that is through...
  16. Old and Grey

    20 Breathing Reps For All Exercises

    Jester, what Simon and Totentanz said.
  17. Old and Grey

    20 Breathing Reps For All Exercises

    Surely you Jest? :cool:
  18. Old and Grey

    20 Breathing Reps For All Exercises

    I consider max-stim an extreme variant of rest pause but you are also using roughly a 10 rep max weight and doing 20 reps. Your rest time is only enough to allow you to do 1 more rep as you go past your 10th rep. It is not using your 20 rep max and doing 20 reps with intra rep rest periods. Your...