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  1. Old and Grey

    3-6 Months Sd

    Surgery went fine Ad. Not as much pain afterward as I had been led to believe. But after 3 back fusions, I relate all pain to that and it seems very minor. Probably looking at 2-3 months of PT before I will have full use of shoulder again and able to somewhat meaningfully lift again. The...
  2. Old and Grey

    Will Working Out Every 48 Hrs Induce Over Training With Hst?

    Ad, I would certainly agree with your math but feel that GodZ should have been doing 3 sets to begin with. 2 sets just doesn't seem to cut it for me. However, I do think that 8 exercises with 3 sets is probably excessive. I prefer to keep my workouts at no more than 5 or 6 exercises at the most...
  3. Old and Grey

    Will Working Out Every 48 Hrs Induce Over Training With Hst?

    It depends on the intensity of the sets and rest periods. Too intense if using, for example, myo reps, but probably OK if you are resting 2 minutes between sets and 3 minutes between bodyparts. I persomally prefer short intense workouts.
  4. Old and Grey

    Will Working Out Every 48 Hrs Induce Over Training With Hst?

    Going to every other day should be no problem whatsoever.
  5. Old and Grey

    Will Working Out Every 48 Hrs Induce Over Training With Hst?

    How many sets are you doing per workout?
  6. Old and Grey

    3-6 Months Sd

    Today I begin a 3 to 6 month unwanted SD. I am having rotator cuff surgery today so will be unable to lift for quite some time. I expect to lose some strength but am really anxious to see what happens to size. I will take a few measurements (something I probably have not done in 10+ years) and...
  7. Old and Grey

    Have To Change Gyms.....what Now?

    Don't obsess! All will be OK. Just be consistent. And do not judge one workout to the previous or even one cycle to the previous. You are not going to lose anything in the long or even medium term. RELAX! If you stress you WILL lose. Train for yourself and not for any one else.
  8. Old and Grey

    Testosterone Nation Article On Lifters Needing To Lift More Often

    Good video Ad. Thanks for posting. I will stick with 3 but I break it up between AM and PM so that no one session is much more than 20 minutes. I think I am at a training level and age where protein synthesis is faster than most but I fatigue faster so I need to take smaller bites of the apple...
  9. Old and Grey

    Testosterone Nation Article On Lifters Needing To Lift More Often

    And in true T Nation style, they follow up the next week with something that only a very heavily roided out pro could handle: The article starts out...
  10. Old and Grey

    Testosterone Nation Article On Lifters Needing To Lift More Often

    Interestingly, Mike Roberts, who years ago was T Nation's "go-to" guy about roids, wrote a pretty good article 7 years ago about frequency. I believe it is still a pretty good guide that takes into consideration your ultimate goals.
  11. Old and Grey

    Testosterone Nation Article On Lifters Needing To Lift More Often

    They started easing away from Bro style toward higher frequency about a year ago. However, some of the high frequency workouts are really only for assisted lifters but it is still progress.
  12. Old and Grey

    Have To Change Gyms.....what Now?

    Guess and go forward. You will not lose much, if anything. Bodybuilding and health is a life long project. Missing a few days or weights will make no difference in the long run.
  13. Old and Grey

    4th Cookie Cutter Cycle

    BTW, my first training was with Charles Atlas' Dynamic Training and then switched to Dan Lurie's program (he was the strong man on the Saturday morning "Big Top" show in the '50's). Finally switched in high school to Bob Hoffman's and John Gremick's style of training for Olympic Lifting. I still...
  14. Old and Grey

    4th Cookie Cutter Cycle

    Rob, if you do not like clustering, give Myo reps a try. It is the most intense, results getting and compact type of workout I have come across when used with HST principles. Myo reps are not best used with 5 rep max weights though.
  15. Old and Grey

    4th Cookie Cutter Cycle

    At your current weight, I would shoot for a minimum of 175 grams of protein per day. Then, in order of quality, good fats to help raise testosterone levels, complex carbs, and as few simple carbs and bad fats as possible. In the USA, we have drinks called "protein water" that contain solely...
  16. Old and Grey

    Have You Found Answers To All Your Questions?

    I like what Simon advised. I rarely do cycles more than 6 weeks long and sometimes only 4 weeks depending on how my muscles and joints feel.
  17. Old and Grey

    4th Cookie Cutter Cycle

    Welcome Luke and start eating more quality whey protein to start with.
  18. Old and Grey

  19. Old and Grey

    Am I Doing Hst Wrong? New To It And Could Use Some Help!
  20. Old and Grey


    Myo reps: Another good read: