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  1. Old and Grey


    Have you tried face pulls? Great for full shoulder growth, rehab of existing or oncoming injuries and hitting total traps. Also helps eliminate the hunched over or forward-rounded shoulder appearance that heavy bench pressers can develop. Much safer than behind neck presses.
  2. Old and Grey


    You may find it better to go for a certain number of total reps with a given exercise rather than total sets. 30 reps is typically a pretty good target with 10's and 15's and 20-25 with 5's. Do as many sets as need be to complete the target reps. That is, in actuality, a form of clustering. It...
  3. Old and Grey

    Am I Doing Hst Wrong? New To It And Could Use Some Help!

    You can always slow your tempo down to compensate. Also, since you seem to be using decent weights, I would like into "Myo Reps". I use them and it really intensifies the workout. Somewhat similar to your reverse pyramid workout but incorporated with HST.
  4. Old and Grey

    Am I Doing Hst Wrong? New To It And Could Use Some Help!

    I am having bone spurs removed from my shoulder March 15 because I cannot do those exercises either. Choose an exercise you can do. Use bands to increase pull ups if you have to. Neutral grip is the safest. It is too valuable a mass builder to miss out on if you don't have to. With bone spurs...
  5. Old and Grey

    4th Cookie Cutter Cycle

    Welcome aboard Rob. In actuality, the older you get, the more you need strength training to keep the joints and bones moving painlessly. Keep on truckin'.
  6. Old and Grey

    Am I Doing Hst Wrong? New To It And Could Use Some Help!

    Sorry. I interpreted your post to mean yo only performed two workouts per week. Personally, I would make the following changes: Squat 3 sets Incline Bench 3 sets Bent over Rows 3 sets Military Press 3 sets BB Curl 1 set Tricep Extensions or Push Downs 3 sets Deadlift 3 sets Weighted Dips 3...
  7. Old and Grey

    Am I Doing Hst Wrong? New To It And Could Use Some Help!

    Whoa. Not enough of the right volume and not enough frequency. I suggest you read the HST book on the forum front page.
  8. Old and Grey

    Bout To Start Hst Again. Keep It At 3 Workouts Per Week?

    No, I usually just split push/pull between AM and PM to keep the workouts short like Mick. That way I can give it my complete effort without fatigue becoming a factor. If I did not have the luxury of a home gym and were a few years younger, I would do the full body all at one workout. I have...
  9. Old and Grey

    Have You Found Answers To All Your Questions?

    Awesome job. Personly I would switch to 10 - 20 rep sets but a complete change from power focus to hypertrophyprobably would not feel right so perhaps your graduated projction is likely your best route for 6 months o so.
  10. Old and Grey

    Bout To Start Hst Again. Keep It At 3 Workouts Per Week?

    Good question and a good answer depends on your condition now. However, in general three times per week seems ideal all around. You can spread that three times over three days or even up to six, just keep your total weekly sets the same. I currently do every over day. My total body workout...
  11. Old and Grey

    Have You Found Answers To All Your Questions?

    OK thanks for the clarification. So I would say that the 20th rep, for example, would be about a 9+.
  12. Old and Grey

    Have You Found Answers To All Your Questions?

    Ad, I guess I must have fallen asleep that day in school. What does 20@ 8-9 RPE mean? Please give an example. In my routine, I use a weight that I can do, for example, 20 continuous reps for the first set but barely making the 20th rep but still maintaining good form. If I conquer that, the...
  13. Old and Grey

    Have You Found Answers To All Your Questions?

    Ad, I go pretty close to max effort on the first set, which may go up or even down on any given day but will be close to the target, followed by two quick sets of myo reps which will be less than the target but using the same weight. How many reps less will depend on the rest period between...
  14. Old and Grey

    Stronger By Science’s Article “grow Like A New Lifter Again”

    He seems to make several conflicting statements which puts doubt in my mind as to its conclusions. He also forgets the role that frequency plays in growth. Seems to be more like an article from the 70's or 80's. But if it works for him, I'm all for him using it.
  15. Old and Grey

    Have You Found Answers To All Your Questions?

    After you have built a solid base of strength using high weight and low reps, which takes years, I have found that I now get the most mass gains by doing 20, 15, and 10 reps. It also is helpful in avoiding injury and keeping joints healthy. Age is undoubtedly a factor in there somewhere.
  16. Old and Grey

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    Ergo the problem. The longer we work out, the tougher any sort of gains.
  17. Old and Grey

    Have You Found Answers To All Your Questions?

    How about clean bulk vs dirty bulk? Pros/cons. The role of hyperplasia of fat cells...true or false? Personally, dirty bulks leave me with unwanted fat even if I diet down to my beginning weight. That does not appear to be the case with everyone though. Is it just genetics at work or how dirty...
  18. Old and Grey

    Are You Doing Too Much Volume?

    I would say that if you are happy with your gains, energy level and your sexual performance, then you are correct.
  19. Old and Grey

    Are You Doing Too Much Volume?

    Most regular Docs are still in the dark ages when it comes to TRT. Have you gone to a specialist, i.e., an Endochrinologist?