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  1. leonardopm

    Recovery & Return To 600

    Jester, 18 inch arms are a respectable mark IMO. Have you done direct arm work anytime or do you only train it by compounds?
  2. leonardopm

    Rethinking Hst

    So, no SD? And what about the volume? Will you keep doing 1 set per exercise no matter which rep range you are?
  3. leonardopm

    Mattonaise's Training Log

    I also rely on milk as a good source of protein. If you have access to powder milk it may help you to pack on more calories without stuffing with all that liquid in your stomach, just mix it strong. I don't see any problem with weight gainers since you take it post training. In fact is even...
  4. leonardopm

    Before And After Pictures Thread!

    I don't see why other would post pictures here if you didn't. Being on the first cycle is not a excuse since you proposed before pictures to be posted...
  5. leonardopm

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    I'm OK with some size loss, it's obviously usual when cutting. Point is I didn't recovered quickly the size lost. It took me a month, maybe more, to regain it. I was wondering if the long time doing only 5 rep work contributed to this.
  6. leonardopm

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    I was just wondering if DUP is better than HST for a cutting. After my first cut on HST, in which I trained at 5RM all the time, I kept almost 100% of my strength but I felt I lost a reasonable size even after returning to maintenance diet. Maybe DUP'd help to keep sarchoplasmic hypertrophy due...
  7. leonardopm

    Is Hst Appropriate For Me?

    Well, a lot of experienced lifters and specially the strength-oriented ones claim that you should spend more time and effort pulling than pushing, since pectorals are much simpler than the back. I've been doing it and results are pleasing me. Incline benches won't harm I believe but probably...
  8. leonardopm

    Rethinking Hst

    I clearly remember Totentanz saying in his book he owes his condition to HST. Could he possibly be lying??? Gear?? Photoshop?? Don't think so.
  9. leonardopm

    Is Hst Appropriate For Me?

    I believe you could drop Incline bench, upright rows, lat raises and maybe even the direct arm work. About arm work it'll depend on your overall recovery and if you feel comfortable not doing it. I don't hear good things about upright rows. If you want to keep a balanced shoulder you could...
  10. leonardopm

    Leonardopm's Bulking Log

    Well, I'm suspecting that I became lactose intolerant in some degree. I'm still having issues, specially by the morning. After training I usually take around 1500 kcals and the morning after I've been feeling bloated and having colic. Not sure yet if it's because of the lactose or excess...
  11. leonardopm

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    Sorry, I made a stupid question. It's obvious that I can do it many ways. My gym has weighted strips for the ankles, I can use them.
  12. leonardopm

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    My current gym is very limited and doesn't have a dip station but I found that I can do dips on an empty weight tree, as I tested yesterday. I'm seriously thinking about trying dips instead bench in the next cycle. The only thing to solve now is how to implement progressive resistance, I...
  13. leonardopm

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    Do you see as feasible maintaining (or growing) the pectorals only with dips and OHP? I'm a bench lover but the idea is interesting...
  14. leonardopm

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    So, would you consider this more as a strength program than hypertrophy? I read once that one should emphasize the sessions related with his goals when on a non linear periodization program. For instance, if the goal is hypertrophy you can do hyp, pow, hyp, str, hyp, pow, etc.
  15. leonardopm

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    Could you share your DUP routine and cycles?
  16. leonardopm

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    So, when are you planning to try DUP? I've been reading about and it sounds interesting. Any thoughts? Anybody?
  17. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    Man, you're a real case of study. At 210 lbs I loose weight on anything below 2900. I dropped 15 lbs on two months doing 2400 kcal a day. There's something going on with your hormonal levels, I think.
  18. leonardopm

    Leonardopm's Bulking Log

    Too late. I was catch again by the bulking virus.
  19. leonardopm

    Leonardopm's Bulking Log

    Thank you TTanz. I'm recovering from my ilness and today I weighed 209 lbs. I was expecting a faster return to my previous LBM condition but I believe it'll happen anyway. Funny hear you say about the four extra weeks, I was just thinking about it yesterday. I may have finished too soon my cut.
  20. leonardopm

    Leonardopm's Bulking Log

    I lost part of ability in packing calories. Struggled to eat 2800 today. I feel I'm not completely recovered from my digestive problem. Appetite is not ok yet.