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  1. leonardopm

    Leonardopm's Bulking Log

    Thank you very much Totentanz. I'm probably keeping 100% strength because I started CM just after the cut and I'm also taking Maltodextrin prior to workouts. I'm very cool with the deflated look. I know it's a collateral effect that I will easily revert since I restart bulking. I pretend to...
  2. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    Well, sorry for repeating that, not sure it was seen. Could I increase these lifts during the cut, presuming I have room for it? EDITED: sorry again, I didn't see that the answers were in the other topic. Thanks.
  3. leonardopm

    Upper / Lower Spit 6 days a week

    After reading totentanz comments on that guy I'm pretty sure he likes him a lot. I also hate guys who rely their arguments on stuff they sell. One of the things on Bryan' site that made me confident was the absence of "shit pushing". There is only useful, pure info. No excessive ads, fake...
  4. leonardopm

    Leonardopm's Bulking Log

    "Too soon, junior!!" Got stuck at 212,5 since last week. But it's my fault, loving to eat junk these last days. Strength is still the same that I ended bulking. At least it seems that I'm keeping the mass.
  5. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    Well, I have a doubt. Is it OK to train twice a week when cutting? I just add another set to some lifts when it happens. I'm really out of time these days. Other thing is that I'm doing well on some lifts and I feel that I can comfortably increase some loads even at the cutting. Should I do...
  6. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    I don't know, charr...maybe you should see a doctor. Test your thyroid, GH and insulin levels too. If you are really doing everything right with no results you may have some health issue unknown. Look, I'm no way trying to scare you. I only think you have to analyze other aspects.
  7. leonardopm

    Best Ab Exercise

    I used to do weighted crunches with good results. If you're strong enough to hold a 45lb plate (and you probably is) and crunch with it over your head is a good starting point.
  8. leonardopm

    Needing Some Expert Criticism

    I would do only one exercise for tris and other for biceps. I would drop chin-up a it's pretty similar to pull-ups. I also think you could do deadlifts in the beginning of session since they are very taxing.
  9. leonardopm

    Gained Only Fat : What Went Wrong?

    Also keep in mind that's very hard to reach less than 1% of precision with any of the equipments mentioned here.
  10. leonardopm

    Gained Only Fat : What Went Wrong?

    OP, if it helps you I have one of these scales at home, actually broken. When it was working used to show me with 24-25% of BF even when calipers showed 12-13% and I Could easily see a 4-pack abs. These equipments are junk. Buy calipers. I have three of them, very useful.
  11. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    You told us you don't want your pictures around but all this thread is about size and aesthetics right? Why don't you cut off your face and post the pictures. Would be much easier to criticize.
  12. leonardopm

    Leonardopm's Bulking Log

    Well, I suspected that. Calipers didn't show major changes in BF and I didn't lose strength so it's probably water and glycogen. Maybe the extended 5 rep work is also contributing since it doesn't have focus on the sarcoplasma. I have nearly 8 weeks doing 5's.
  13. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    Charr, So you telling I'm weak for my size? Maybe (lol). Anyway, some considerations apply. Bone structure, for instance. I have a heavy structure. Thick bones, big hands and feet. That could explain in certain level my weight/strength ratio. Anyway I still think you have big lifts for your...
  14. leonardopm

    Leonardopm's Bulking Log

    212,5 lbs today. Too fast?
  15. leonardopm

    Leonardopm's Bulking Log

    Thanks, Jester.
  16. leonardopm

    Leonardopm's Bulking Log

    And what about metabolic work, useful on cutting?
  17. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    Ok, that's almost my height. That being said, I don't see how he could lift 100kg x 10 with 160 lbs of LBM. I have almost 190 lbs of LBM and I'm currently lifting 86kg for 5 reps. Unless he has arms shorter than a T-rex I would bet his BF % is lower than 20%.
  18. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    Completely agree. He gotta be very short to accomplish that PR at only 160 lbs of LBM. Charr, the calipers can be tricky but you have to learn how to use them. Without it you won't never have a precise idea of your muscular growth. Why don't you post here the evolution of your 10 RM on the...
  19. leonardopm

    Leonardopm's Bulking Log

    No strength loss so far but I'm starting to feel reasonably deflated. Weighed 214 pounds yesterday. Today I stopped at 2200 kcals. Should I start over progression from 10's a little? I'm repeating endlessly the 5's.
  20. leonardopm

    Leonardopm's Bulking Log

    This weekend I met some parents that I haven't seen long time so...messed up. I ate 3300 kcal on both days. Lots of beer. Back to track this Monday. The workout today was good. Still lifting the top loads from bulking cycle.