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  1. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    Charr, you haven't posted your body fat levels. Are you doing measurements? I agree with mickc regarding your bench. I'm getting a nice body and I still can't lift 100 even for five reps. You gotta have some muscle to do that. It seems that you are resistant to talk about fat levels. What's...
  2. leonardopm

    Leonardopm's Bulking Log

    Here we go. As Jester suggested I created a specific topic. Today is 11th day of cutting and I ended with 2300 calories. I'm not doing IF but I found good to eat only 1000 calories during the day and 1300+ at night. I really hate go to bed hungry and this solution solved that. Today's...
  3. leonardopm

    Stats And Impressions After 5th Hst Cycle

    I'm feeling a bit hungry some times of the day but nothing I can't handle. As I said, today I had a excellent workout, lot's of energy. I'm a bit higher on the calories, cutting at 2700, but yesterday I ended with 2300 and today at 2100. I believe I'll have to stabilize around 2500. I'm...
  4. leonardopm

    Stats And Impressions After 5th Hst Cycle

    Today's workout was really awesome. It felt like I was bulking and I'm pretty sure I could raise loads at least in four lifts. Nothing changed in the cutting diet these last 4 or 5 days so the only thing I can think is that the body is getting used to work on lower calories. The clothes also...
  5. leonardopm

    I've Seen Some Nice Results But I've Also Got A Problem!

    Lol !! I was thinking on that last night! The bar I use to Deadlift is a small one and the only way to put more weight in it is with ankle weights.
  6. leonardopm

    I've Seen Some Nice Results But I've Also Got A Problem!

    With the arm relaxed is possible to pinch the skin with the caliper in the other hand. At least with my caliper model. I even compared my measurement with one taken by other person and is OK. I'm currently using two calipers, one plastic (not the Accu-measure style) with a coil and one of that...
  7. leonardopm

    I've Seen Some Nice Results But I've Also Got A Problem!

    Complementing...if you agree I think it's better measure skin fold at home, so you can take measurements three days in a row and find the average. That will minimize errors by fluid fluctuations as well as glycogen level stored. PS: by the way, I'm getting to measure BF with JP7 method. With...
  8. leonardopm

    I've Seen Some Nice Results But I've Also Got A Problem!

    Kitad, both measurements were made by the same person? In relation to your surprise to loose BF % it's not big deal. I would be surprised if you had lost BF while gaining muscle but a % can be lowered with a simple muscle mass gain by raising the lower part of the fraction. It's just a number...
  9. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    This is just a starting point. I was bulking on 3500 and was a bit hard to gain in the end so I assumed that my maintenance is around 3000 to 3200. I'll work with 2700 and according with the results I tend to go towards 2500 or less. I tend to lose weight very easily.
  10. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    Wow it's a lot of chicken. I don't know if I can handle this much.
  11. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    yeah no doubt. I already had seen that in the book. How do you get your protein?
  12. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    1 g per lb.
  13. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    22% protein. 30% fat. 48% carbs. I know I need a little more protein but my Whey didn't arrive yet and I can't get the protein real high with calories reduced. I hope to solve this next week.
  14. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    just completed six days on the cut. It's tough. I'm eating 2700 calories a day and despite the excellent workout last Wednesday,today I was clearly burned out. I hope to be a temporary problem.
  15. leonardopm

    Stats And Impressions After 5th Hst Cycle

    yes I read an article about Smith machines and they are really terrible on the joints. Single leg squats can be an option if I can handle a good pair of dumbells.
  16. leonardopm

    Stats And Impressions After 5th Hst Cycle

    I'm 183cm tall. I guess it's almost 6' right? I did squats until 3rd cycle but I had to do them in a Smith machine and it was killing my knees. My gym doesn't have a rack and the leg press uses fixed plates so it doesn't offer enough load. I tried to do single leg presses but I found a very...
  17. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    I'm taking 50-70 grams before training. Surely it has calories so you should take it into your daily account.
  18. leonardopm

    Cutting with HST

    Charr, About the loss of strength in the final part of WO I suggest to take some Maltodextrin an hour before training. I started mine last Friday and it seems to be working.
  19. leonardopm

    Stats And Impressions After 5th Hst Cycle

    Thank you for all the support. Today is my first day of the cut and I already got a big problem. Yesterday as I was writing the OT I felt something gone bad with the dinner. I had some Pad Thai at a local restaurant and felt strange. Lots of humbles in my stomach. Today I woke up a mess, went...
  20. leonardopm

    Stats And Impressions After 5th Hst Cycle

    Hi. Last Friday I finished my 5th HST cycle and I'd like to share my experience. 1 - TRAINING I used a Vanilla HST since the first cycle. Only did 15's in one cycle and the other I followed the traditional 2 weeks of 10, 2 of 5 and 2 post 5. Usually took 9 days SD except when traveling. I...