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  1. S

    HSN Primer/Driver

    On rest days it is not neccessary to take protein powders. A good diet with 1g/lb protein and excess calories will provide all you need to grow on off days. The only reason for taking it pre and post workout is to make sure that the muscles are getting everything they need at these crucial...
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    Pre-workout Nutrition

    first of all, what study? reference or place we can take a look? Secondly, why exactly did they favour it?
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    When to drink my pre workout drink?

    like i said, the soy thing is hotly debated. very contraversial (sp?)......... some studies show benefit to women suggesting that soy isoflavones/phyto-oestrogens have an effect. Is this effect good for men also? no study! Another view point is that the phyto-oestrogens are competetive...
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    should we drink a shake before bed to grow muscle?

    a couple of eggs, 250mls(ish) of plain natural yogurt mixed with a handfull of raw nuts, chopped apple and cinnamon.
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    Was wonderin'? Beginner here

    sorry to be the party pooper, but i feel it important to point some things out to you. You are only 18 and are untrained. Therefore i wouldnt go taking ANY supplements other than protein, vitamins/minerals and essential fatty acids. There is simply no need for you!!! Get your diet in line. get...
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    When to drink my pre workout drink?

    you dont need the soy flour. you are getting plenty of protein with the entire range of aminoacids from the whey and milk. Are you taking the soy for its phytoestrogens and preported health benefits? If so i would advise you that there is alot of controvesy over whether soy is appropriate for...
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    When to drink my pre workout drink?

    5.30pm. 30mins before
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    in the UK affordable supplements is by far the cheapest and best web site ive used. they deliever within a couple of days do not charge postage and are always cheaper than everywhere else. the only negative is a limited range, although they have all the essentials.
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    homemade protein bars

    thanxs for that. i made a few bars (at least i tried ) it was just for a bit of a change really...which was nice. but the phase has passed and im back to normal shakes. also ive ended my carb restriction :)
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    Where are you from?

    from UK (at sheffield university. born and bred in london)
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    Fat Attack: Carb Fate

    one interesting thought i had....wonder if anyone has any comments. Most carb sources are man made!!! Pasta, bread sugar products etc These are not natural! Wheat was not a natural food of our prehistoric ansestors. Wheat became staple with the dawn of agriculture. In addition, the potato is...
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    Substitutes For Liquid Post Workout Nutrition

    Although it makes life much simpler, to be completey honest a post workout powder is not necessary. Have a read of Bryans articles about pre- and post- workout nutrition. for maximal gains, you need protein before and after training... you need the protein to be there as soon as the stimulus for...
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    Water, Water All Around

    i live in london (was born and raised here too) and drink over 2 litres of tap water every day. I have been doing this for many many years. I havent read the article and dont think i will!!!!!! Maybe i will buy a Britta.....but are they no good?
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    longterm diet experiments

    i wish to share my personal diet results with the hope that they might help someone. Over the last year i have performed controlled diet experiments on myself (as controlled as is possible with a busy life..but nevertheless fairly well adhered to plans). I will emphasise that i am not very well...
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    homemade protein bars

    this is more a cookery question, sorry. For a little variety, i was thinking of making some home made protein bars similar to those you can buy. I am after a good tasting bar without many carbs (15% carbs would be the limit) if at all possible. Also im not so keen on the amounts of butter...
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    Excellent source of dietary fibre

    kellogs 'allbran'. relatively low GI and plenty of fibre.
  17. S

    about eggs:

    my logic is that if every single person in the US took his advice, you would potentially have 10,000 incidences every day. That's epidemic proportions! The difference in view point comes if you are talking from a puely selfish viewpoint or one for the greater good of the US population. For the...
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    Several Small Meals

    that same theory tells us that our bodies adapted to eat as much food as possible in one go and store what it didnt immedeately require as fat. Then use as little of that fat store as possible because we didnt know when or where the next meal was coming from. So if you continue to eat like that...
  19. S

    about eggs:

    frankly, on this topic, this Dr.Mercola is full of $hit. The incidence of allergy falls because hardly anyone actually eats raw eggs!!!!! In addition, we simply do not know which components are allergenic. and it might vary from person to person. So in short, his is an unfounded statement...