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  1. S

    Use Suppliments?

    i cant say that i noticed much (if any difference in perfromance while on creatine). I used it for 2 months at 5g/day every day. The only thing i noticed was a dramatic increase in body-weight within the first few weeks (3kgs). After i stopped taking it my weight dropped back about 3kgs within...
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    banana with whey post workout?

    these are both very high GI foods! I would suggest any difference you have noticed is only to do with the quantity of carbs you are now consuming. its much easier to get 70g carbs from a maltodextrin drink than it is to eat 70g from cereal.
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    Need advice on EFAs/good fats/etc

    Any decent research on the effect of fish oil on joint health? if so how much would you need to take?
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    High Carb vs. High Fat

    that doesnt have to be the case.
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    Where to buy best tasting least expensive protien?

    i guess the first question should be where do you live?
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    Where'd you get your username?

    aristophanes is my prevent problems i call myself stephen. i introduce myself very clearly as stephen, yet people always end up calling me stevie.
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    a couple of diet approaches

    what is a better approach for fat loss (approx 8kg fat preferably over a 3month period, but if it takes longer then it takes longer)? 1)reduce daily calories by 500kcals. when you stop loosing weight reduce by a futher 500kcals etc 2)immedeately drop from 20xBW cals (my current intake) to...
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    Favorite High Protein Meal?

    to paraphrase a well known scandenavian world strongman competetor: every day i eat a large topshide of beef and a shmall shack of potatosh.
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    Emphasizing Quads during Squats

    Just to illustrate your point. i have 25'' thighs now and i can only squat 160kg 1RM (hips below knee joint level).
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    Emphasizing Quads during Squats

    Its hard to give an answer without actually watching you myself. But here is a suggestion. Instead of asking how you can emphasie your quads, try to figure out why you are involving your hams so heavily. Although your form is 'perfect' in terms of chest out, head up, and no back rounding...
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    Maximising Intramuscular IGF-1

    yes of course, but you are replying to my question at the wrong level of detail. One particular protein will be continually created, destroyed, but that doesnt matter as long as the machinery for making those proteins is still there. What i was asking was whether the satellite cell donated...
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    Maximising Intramuscular IGF-1

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    Maximising Intramuscular IGF-1

    'protein breakdown' = ?
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    Maximising Intramuscular IGF-1

    on a slight tangent... Growth is dependent upon the fusing of satellite cells with exsisting muscle cells. Which, in a natural trainer, is dependent upon the secretion of a variety of growth factors and cytokines from muscle cells that have been 'disrupted' by the application of load. Are growth...
  15. S

    Marijuana, Effect on Gains?

    POTENTIALLY all the risks will still be there! but i understand your question.... would probably have an effect on the quality of your workouts. for example the night after a session, you MIGHT be lacking in concentration etc. so dont plan your workouts the day after a smoking/eating...
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    Marijuana, Effect on Gains?

    largely? What about the inherent carcinogens produced by burning the weed? burning and inhaling ANYTHING will produce a variety of hazardous substances. add to that the fact that 'hash' is often mixed with other additives/fillers. Who smokes pure weed? Typically people are smoking some kind...
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    Should Prohormones be illegal

    Im just imagining how President Arnie would act on this issue.
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    Fruits & Vegetables

    would you class stuffing yourself to finish ALL the pizza you ordered bulimia? (its my girlfriends fault. she insists on ordering her own, but never finishes her dam pizza) I mean stuffing yourself till you are sweating and shivering from the need to stop know when you feel like...
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    HSN in Norway

    hmmm...once in norway it might be easy to ship to uk.....