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  1. K

    Lose body fat first or just bulk up

    Good for the calves tho! Keep bouncing them (kids) there until they're 21 and marvel at your ginormous soleus (soleus's/soleusi/ da*m it, whatever the plural is! )
  2. K

    1st Rep versus final Rep

    Bryan's view WRT growth is somewhere in the FAQ. Basically, each rep causes cumilitive damage to the fibres but fatigue does interfere with the damage as the fibres go into rigor and the cns works harder to compensate. SOOOO, the first reps are better! That's how I remember it anyway ;)
  3. K

    How much protein powder per day?

    Going by ratios is obviously nutty. Even Sear's realised that! As Bryan mentioned above (and Lyle repeatedly mentions) better to use the 1g per pound rule for protien, set the fats at atleast 15-20% and make up the rest in carbs/or fats (with carbs being at minimum above ketogenic levels for...
  4. K

    My Dieting Intake

    Ah, ok, I have never seen or had the bars here in australia They sound like shite! Although, those bars were the reason he broke away from the original zoneperfect/ecotech franchise. Much better to look at Lyle's work IMO, but I stick to zone otherwise Im too hungry :D
  5. K

    My Dieting Intake

    When dieting yes. When bulking I have more carbs + protein. As a Capitalist, I think everyone has the right to market their ideas
  6. K

    My Dieting Intake

    Sounds like classic signs of low leptin levels. You need to refeed man! As resident Zone guru I have to make sure you have done it right :D Have you used Sears' adjustments that he changed after the first book? Starting form 40/30/30, if your hungry and mentally 'loopy' 4 hours after a meal...
  7. K

    Thanks HSN!

    I'd send it back to him and say, thanks, I have already gotten priceless free info from you! Or at least send him the money
  8. K

    Where are you from?

    Hey Lifter, good to see you poking your nose in from time to time :D Hope all is well. Peace to you and your family
  9. K

    Dieting question?

    As Aaron alluded to (I think he assumed) your refeeds should be a day 12 hours or so not just a meal. That is if you are doing it to boost leptin/metabolism. 1 meal wont cut it. You eat under maintenance thru the week. Refeed once a week for the whole day (carbs AND protein/ minimal fat). Once...
  10. K

    Protein bars v drinks...

    ...but for best effect make sure to increase the tension on his wheel every day.
  11. K

    pre and post carbs question

    In the context of bodybuilding overall calories should be taken into account. If the workout drinks cause 400-600 above what you have worked out for growth (which is already 400-600 above maintenance) you going to put on more fat. You need to re-arrange meals and take less carbs in other meals...
  12. K

    Decent foods

    Eh, you win some, you lose some! But butter tastes better!
  13. K

    Vinegar for Better Glycogen Repletion?

    Her at ELf Industries we have spent the last 5 years researching and developing a new explosive supp. with vinegar/bicarbarnate and some secret herbs and spices - Guaranteed to skyrocket your GAINS. ELFTECH ANABOLIDOSIS-V will ship soon for only $150 Limited Price. Be quick.
  14. K

    Decent foods

    Generally, Protein (~1gram per pound of bw) Lean sources - Turkey Chicken (white meat) White Fish (tuna etc) Beef/mince (<10% fat) Protein Powder Low fat Dairy Fats (~25-30% of cals) Fish Oil (~3-6grams EPA/DHA per day) Cod Liver Oil Flax Oil Olive Oil Nuts Butter (in moderation rather...
  15. K

    direct calorimetry - calculating BMR

    According to that I should be dead! My weight 72x24=1728 I have been eating ~1600 while dieting. That is also training 3xweek (HST & bag work). No detectable muscle or strength loss. Aaron, I cant access your spread sheet. I am 'forbidden'! Can you turn off the Elf Alarm :D
  16. K

    Increased Body Weight = More Daily Calories?

    MWAHAHA...I've broken the cycle and closed the hell mouth.
  17. K

    Diet questions...

    I followed Sears' advice of adding extra fat (to make up the extra 500 cals I needed to gain) and ended up with 8 pounds but only 3 or so pds of LBM That was my second HST cycle and I have not properly 'bulked' since. It took another 2 cycles to get rid of the extra fat, then several mediocre...
  18. K

    Diet questions...

    THanx Aaron, you always come thru! So when eating > maintenance are carbs the better choice for limiting fat gain? I have been following Lyle's posts over at mfw that is why I questioned Bryan's statement which seemed in disagreement.
  19. K

    Diet questions...

    How come these differences in 'storable calories' dont show up in real life? According to Lyle, every solid study ever done under ward conditions shows no difference in calorie composition after meeting protein/efa requirements. Everything else is dealing with preferences/hunger etc. He sells a...
  20. K

    small increments vs. repeating workouts

    Im not really in the outback, I'm a city folk,'s a samll city tho, I can run from one side of the metro to the other in 5 minutes I love Chile...especially with sour cream and chives on top ;)