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  1. K

    Best diet approach for Leptin?

    Thanx Fuzz...the links dont work tho, but I found them from their home page.
  2. K

    small increments vs. repeating workouts

    Bring it on! I live in outback australia. When you get off the plane at Sydney get in a taxi/cab and ask to go to the outback. Be sure to pack plenty of proetin shakes. When you get there tell the driver to take the first left after the gum tree shaped like a dingo, follow the dried up river bed...
  3. K

    small increments vs. repeating workouts

    Looks like my first cycle. Are your 2kg DBs yellow or pink! You know how I fixed it. DB upright rows instead. Hits the side delts just the same except is assisted by biceps and traps. Yeah that is the problem with pre-determined RMs. Some people have a perfect spread and others are just...
  4. K

    small increments vs. repeating workouts

    I see I didn't answer you actual question starting from 5rm I worked back 17 workouts. I just played around with the increment size so that the very first workout was close to what I started my first cycle with. This worked out to about 5 pounds for the big exercises at the time. An example of...
  5. K

    small increments vs. repeating workouts

    I kept pushing past the 5rms into weeks 7 & 8. I was stronger for 15s and 10s too but I just kept to the plan until the last few weeks. Your right it wasn't 8 weeks it was 6 (plus 2 with 5s/negs) and the secret is that the 5% idea was not talked about then and I used 5 pound increments for...
  6. K

    small increments vs. repeating workouts

    The first one. I started with about 25-30 reps and let the load determine how many reps each workout. I set up the cycle working back 8 weeks/ 3x week from my new 5rm.
  7. K

    small increments vs. repeating workouts

    Yeah, just add 5-10 to your RMs. Although I blew past my 5rm by 10-15 pds on my first cycle so it was 5-10 on top of that! Second cycle I adopted a linear approach and did not use 15-10 micro-cycles. That was my best results.
  8. K

    small increments vs. repeating workouts

    Soreness isn't neccessary, tightness is good tho! It takes me 3-4 sets of back work but only 2 sets of chest to get some tightness next morning. I always wake up and put my lats/pecs in a stretch and feel a little resistance. I currently do 2 sets for quads but should probably do another...
  9. K

    Best diet approach for Leptin?

    Par Deus mentioned on the Avant forums that a iso-caloric TKD is probably the best approach dor dieting WRT leptin research. I 'read' this to mean that having the bulk of carbs in one/two meals and around workouts better than spacing them evenly thru the day. Lyle and Blade have mentioned...
  10. K

    More Primer/Driver woes?

    Keep your chin up, Bryan If your friend Jared can lose all that weight eating Subway then anything is possible Im waiting/stressing to see if I landed a job myself. It is only factory work but I really need an income! That's the life of a muso! Remember I have a copy of both HST books on...
  11. K

    Increased Body Weight = More Daily Calories?

    Careful, we could create a blackhole.
  12. K

    Evening Primrose Oil

    EPO is great for those who have a problem converting linoleic acid to gamma linolenic acid (GLS) due to poor delta 6 desaturase activity. It already contains GLA. I think it is wise to use because cortisol/adrenaline caused by workouts depresses delta 6 desaturase (as well as aging, trans fats...
  13. K

    Need some input.

    Im sought of a fan of Robb's. Although his reasons for his diet working is simply by getting you to eat less while getting adequate protein and EFAs. He uses the same voodoo BS as everyone else to sell it tho. Food Combining/ insulin etc. It ends up as another version of a low cal CKD, but...
  14. K

    Dr Atkins no carb diet

    And buy her a good supply of breath mints You guys been following the Atkins and low calorie diets dont work threads on MFW. Lyle's cracking me up, 5 star entertainment
  15. K

    msm for joint relief

    ...or nobody knows! At least in the UK. But I hate to see you having a conversation with yourself (you could be institutionalised for that) so I thought I post something :D
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    Hail Capitalism! But Caveat Emptor!
  17. K


    Sears' comments:
  18. K

    Building Muscle and The Calorie Myth

    It's possible to add muscle while in calorie deficit. Just ask Andre ;) It's a matter of degrees. Being above maintenance gives more. It also gets real hard if your advanced and/or low bodyfat. But ,in this case, like Stevie said, semantics!
  19. K

    Question for those on Zone Diets?

    I guess this is where I chuck in my 2c since Im the resident Zoner! Ok, I dont think the zone is gonna do anything another diet with adequate protein and calories wont. For bulking with the zone, you need to set the protein at 1g/pd, match up the carbs with the proper ratio, and then you have...
  20. K

    High Protein Diets

    Well many nutritionists will be standing around with egg on their faces, but at least they're finally getting it. Albiet, 10 years late. The CSIRO here in Australia just released a statement that higher protein diets are 'safe' for weight loss and lowering LDL cholestrol etc.