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  1. B

    Can I reduce protein intake during SD?

    Almost 500 posts and you are still asking questions such as this......??? You should try reading and studying like others on this board so that you could answer all of your own questions....
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    Rep block question

    This is probably most likely not an issue with your workout, but an issue with your nutrition. You need to eat more during the 15's and 10's if you feel you aren't growing.
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    Personal HST

    There have been about 9358723895 posts started over this very topic. Not flaming you, but try doing a search...
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    Vince Gironda's oldschool info

    If you think HST is only about SD, then you have a lot to read... If you quit doing squats just because you are afraid of your butt getting bigger, then I don't even know what to tell you. Well, that is, other than read up.
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    Last workout in 1st Cycle, SD and Next cycle ..

    1) You do not have to go to failure. 2) You should lower your calories down to maintenance (10-12xBW) after 3 days or so into SD. 3) You should really have tested your new RM's before ending this cycle, but I think 20% is a little steep. Shoot more for a 5 or max. 10% increase. By the way...
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    when do you decide to cut?

    ya skinnyman, that was something I was tinkering with last year. Not to say it didn't work or that I didn't like it, but I do feel that now the best way for ME to cut is to devote an entire cycle to either cutting or bulking. Or you could look into the UD2 at Lyle's site.
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    Looked in the mirror this morning....

    We know your caloric intake, but what does your diet look like? What kind of foods are you eating?
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    Drinkin beer!

    Protein and carbohydrates: 4kcal/g Fat: 9kcal/g Alcohol: 7kcal/g As you can see, subtracting the few carbs by drinking a "low carb" or even light beer isn't saying much when you factor in the fact that alcohol is so calorically dense.
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    2nd cycle cut or gain?

    If I were you, I would continue to drop by bodyfat until I got below 15% before I would consider bulking. JMO
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    Workout Nutrition vs. Calories

    497 posts and you still are wondering about that.....
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    Has anybody tried AB-Gone?

    Looks like CLA and phosphatidylserine. These are two supplements that have showed promise when it comes to health/fitness. But, there is no supplement that can burn fat as well as a reduced caloric intake and good ol cardio. And yes you will burn both "kinds" of fat when you do this...
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    Ill and wana know why

    "It might be a tumor...."
  13. B

    Creatine dose

    Just take 5g everyday and forget about the "loading" phase. You don't really need it. As for how much is in a teaspoon, just scoop it out and throw it in. Any amount that might be lost in leveling wouldn't make any difference anyways.
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    Diet while working full-time

    There is really no evidence that eating more often throughout the day provides any benefit over the standard 3 meals a day. The important thing is that you are getting the sufficient amount of calories. So, if you only have time for 3 or 4 meals in a day, that's fine you don't need to worry...
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    Multi-vitamins & Multi-minerals

    I used to have a few studies on bioavailability of differently priced multi-vitamins that I used for a paper I wrote, I can't find them right now. But basically, there is no evidence to support buying higher priced multis. As for taking additional vitamins/minerals, you probably don't have to...
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    a few questions please

    1) Some choose to change their exercises......some don't. Really, it is just up to the person. However, the old myth about needing to continuously change your routine to keep your muscles "guessing" is just that.......a myth. I would definitely organize my program for every cycle...
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    HST and Lyle mcdonald

    Lyles theory for all out muscle hypertrophy IS HST..... Now if you are trying to cut, that is a different story.
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    Diet during SD?

    If your goal is hypertrophy, you should continue eating above maintenance for 3-5 days into SD. After that carbs and fat can be scaled back a bit to bring levels back to maintenance for the remainder.
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    Frequency of Protein Consumption

    wrong ^