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  1. K

    best times for cardio

    The best time to do cardio to maximize fat loss would be to do it when body fat is the primary fuel source. If you just ate, then the food you just ate will most likely be metabolized to power your exercise. And if you just ate carbohydrates, then the insulin from that meal will lock down fat...
  2. K

    controling insulin secretions

    In my attempt to create a physique that is more conducive to breeding, I now need to watch my diet more. I'm putting on muscle mass very easily now. Thats not the problem. Now i gotta keep this body fat somewhat under control. From a biochemical standpoint, i need to keep insulin secretions to...
  3. K

    Hood Milk Products

    They taste just fine! I reccomened the chocolate milk. Ironically, it even has less carbs, coming in at 2 grams only. It's good stuff. They upped the protein content by adding whey protein in addition to the existing milk protein. This would be a great choice if you're trying to stay lean. I...
  4. K

    carbs for the brain

    I started the topic of insulin sensitivity and endomorphic diet a few weeks ago. Thanks for your help everyone! My new topic concerns the brain. If it were my call, id go zero carb because its the best for my body composition as an endomorph. I had to find out first hand though how the quality...
  5. K

    biochemistry question

    I would believe so too. The fact that another lb of muscle spells a use of another 50-100 calories would indicatet that the muscles are more metabolically active. And it would only make since for a tissue to increase its sensitivity to insulin because it needs extra energy now, which can be...
  6. K

    my routine

    I guess its just so hard to embrace that less is better! It seems to go against everything ive ever come across. But i trust exercise physiology (which Bryan implements) so i trust this routine. So keep volume low (2 sets per chest for example), just make sure to hit it every other day, and...
  7. K

    biochemistry question

    I asked this earlier and never got a response. If anyone is good with biochem, i guess you can help me. My question: When muscles hypertrophy, how profound is the increase in your glut 4 insulin receptors? In terms of improving insulin sensitivity, is muscular hypertrophy the best option for...
  8. K

    my routine

    Im doing this every other day: Chest Bench Incline Tricpes Dips Tricep extension machine Biceps Barbell curl Cable curl Back Lat pull downs Dumbbell shrugs 1 arm rows Shoulders (unable to perfrom pressing motions ATM) Barbell front raise Side lateral machine Rear delt dumbbell raise Thighs...
  9. K

    T-Bomb II

    I asked about T-bomb II because it's natural herbs, far from steroids. Oh, and I'm 21 years old. I am an exercise science/phys major and I study biochemistry in my spare time. You don't have to be mean, I wanted some feedback on this supplement before I decided to try it.
  10. K

    The most nutritious vegetable

    Don't waste your time with vegetables. They have literally no energy to provide. Your body uses more energy to process them then they actually contain! Plus vegetables taste horrible. Focus on fruits. They taste great, they have all the vitamins/minerals/fiber you want, and they alot of...
  11. K

    T-Bomb II

    I was thinking about trying out t-bomb II. I'm too scared to use AAS, and pro-hormones are banned now, so this is one of the last options for test boosting I have. Has anyone tried it? Did it work? Comments? Reccomendations? Thanks -Kyle
  12. K

    endomorphic bodybuilding

    Im beginning to realize why it is easy for endomorphs to put on muscle. Endomorphs always make too much insulin when we eat carbohydrates. Insulin is an anabolic hormone! Think about it. I make too much of an ANABOLIC HORMONE! That is why endomorphs can put on muscle fairly easily. On the same...
  13. K

    endomorphic bodybuilding

    didnt mean to curse. sorry. completley slipped my mind. it wasnt my fault i was born in Miami. lol
  14. K

    endomorphic bodybuilding

    Thanks everybody. What I'm starting to realize though is that I actually like my body fat!! From a biological prespective, I am the cream of the crop when it comes to survival. The insulin resistance gene is a valued gene because it means that you can survive easily since you make body fat...
  15. K

    endomorphic bodybuilding

    Hi. I am a text book endomorph. I gain muscle fairly easily, but i gain fat even easier. I clearly have problems with insulin because when i eat carbs, i get fat pretty easily. I can eat unlimited protein and fat though. I want to stick with HST. I want to be able to bodybuild and gain muscle...
  16. K

    bigger muscles, more insulin sensitivity

    I did a paper on type II diabetes for school. Resistance training (and in turn muscle gain) dramatically improves insulin sensitivity. So, the more my muscles hypertrophy, can I expect my insulin sensitivity to grow as well? From what I understand, tissues that are more sensitive to insulin are...
  17. K

    Low carb and beta cell atrophy

    I started going out with a girl in December, and I instantly began to diet so I could have lower body fat. I've been using a low carbohydrate diet. I eat alot of protein, and to accelerate the fat loss, I ate only moderate amount of plant fats. I'm lean now. The outside is pleasing. The inside...