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  1. B

    HST Workout Thread

    I'm on the standard 15rm, 10rm, 5rm routine. Finishing up my second week of 10s tomorrow. First cycle I am following the advice of doing 1 set during 15s, 2x10s, 1x10s, 2x5s, 1x5s. Then I will try some negatives the 7th week. Weighted Crunch Seated Cable Row Lat Pulldown Bench Press Standing...
  2. B

    Complex vs. simple carbs.

    Got a link? You'd be surprised at how many differnt things come up when you google usrda. thanks, Brak
  3. B

    Complex vs. simple carbs.

    After reading that article, specifically the math part, I thought I had learned something...that if the polyunsaturated fat plus the monounsaturated fat does not equal the total fat that there is a third category called trans-fat which is where this extra fat must be hiding...right? Not...
  4. B

    Complex vs. simple carbs.

    Wow, I knew I could count on you for some worthwhile contribution. dang! That means my Jalepeno Ranch dressing that has 12 grams of fat per serving, but only 2 grams of saturated fat might be much worse for me that I originally thought. dang! Well, even though the pretzels have highly...
  5. B

    Complex vs. simple carbs.

    I should not have tried to pull the total cal per day into this since I am already trying to address simple vs complex carbs and sat fat vs whatever other fat there may be. But as long as I have...I just think it is funny how widely opinions vary on how many calories per day are needed. I have...
  6. B

    Complex vs. simple carbs.

    The question is simple...or is it more complex than I think? Anyway, I find myself trying to decide between pretzels (0 fat, but simple carb) and triscuits (a little fat, but whole grain). I notice in one of Bryan's sample diets for bulking (only 2,500 calories BTW) he mentions eating things...
  7. B

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    Not to attack, and not to say your math is wrong, but the logic used to arrive at the mathematical conclusions you did seem suspect. For example, my math will be correct in the following, so the conclusion will be mathematically reasonable, but we know it is preposterous: 1 pound of muscle...
  8. B

    HSN/HST Flyers

    And aren't you pushing something for sale...the flyer mentions suppliments...everyone knows they are not free. If the goal of the flyer is to get people to come and make use of the free resources available at the website while spreading the word about HST, then you leave the suppliments off of...
  9. B

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    That concept is hi-larious. I too, try to eat like Mr. Nasty, Chicken, shakes, brown rice, whole wheat bread, if bread at all, stay way from potatoes, etc. I really do want to bulk, but, I am already a skinny guy with a bit of a belly and some love handles. Yeah, I know, attractive, skinny guy...
  10. B

    Where'd you get your username?

    This page tells about Brak's origins: And this page tells you what he is up to lately: In Summary - Brak used to be an evil space pirate and enemy of Space Ghost (back in the 80s) One minute he was just...
  11. B

    Creatine Daily

    From what I've read, the creatine used to fuel a workout is not that which you have taken that day. That is why loading is popular...because your body taps a reserve and it takes a while to build up enough of a reserve to actually help. You don't need to load, as Old & Grey touched upon...