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    Thanks Jon, I had read that a long time ago, and forgot about it. I will look into that more. Bartyc, I will ahve to check into the Chrysin, and I already take saw palmeto because taking ephedrine can cause BPH. Thanks for the suggestions. Steve
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    Thanks guys.   I have taken Vitex before, but I'm not sure what the best product to take is.   Also, any info I've been able to dig up on he Ca d-glucarate is on it's anti cancer  properties.  I did find one abstract that dealt with breast cancer, but it showed benefits even in estrogen...
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    I have been taking Arimidex .25mg EOD for a while now.  It works well for me even at that low dose.  The problem is that I am running out and I don't think I can get any more.  It's very expensive.  Does anyone know if there is anything out there that works as well or almost as well as Arimidex...
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    Check out this thread. Creatine once and for all Steve
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    Jon, I'm jealous!!!!!     But I guess that means mine should be here soon   :D  :D Steve
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    Dissolving Driver?

    Yep, but if I mix it with a shaker bottle it's no problem at all. It needs to be shaken for a while but it will mix. Steve
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    More on Creatine

    I was just poking around and came across this fairly well done study.  I know it was done on women, but it seems applicable to both men and women.  The discussion section is very interesting.  Enjoy.   Long-term creatine intake is beneficial to muscle performance during resistance training I...
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    Bryan, Question about Primer/Driver

    MM, Bryan didn't include carbs because many people are on low carb diets. Adding carbs via other sources is easy, taking them out is not. He has said that he will be putting out an MRP type Primer and Driver that will include carbs in the future. Steve
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    Anyone tried FUZU or Tribex

    I used Tribex over the winter.  I had Test level drawn pre and after 2 bottles at recomended dosage.  There was a slight rise in my free and total T with a small drop in SHBG.  I didn't notice too much in terms of increased libido (it's always high anyway).  I will say that even though we were...
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    Testosterone question for Bryan

    If you've been taking E/C non stop for 5 years, then you do not want to just drop it all at once 9unless you like feeling like crap fora couple of weeks). Taper your dose by 25% a week until you get down to none. Steve
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    Caffeine/Carbs and insulin sensitivity

    Thanks for the link Timm, I haven't had a chance to read the whole thing yet, but I will tonight. What I have read is interesting though. Much appreciated, Steve
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    Caffeine/Carbs and insulin sensitivity

    Once again, thanks Bryan. I did read an abstract in the link VC posted, and it mentioned the exercise variable and that it negates the insulin sensitivity. Makes sense to me. Steve
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    Caffeine/Carbs and insulin sensitivity

    Thanks for the link VC.  I guess I'll just do what I always do and keep everything in moderation until something more definative comes up.   Steve
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    Caffeine/Carbs and insulin sensitivity

    Ok, So recently there has been this sudden movement against caffeine. The argument seems to be that when you consume caffeine in any form it decreases insulin sensitivity for anywhere from 3-5 hours. This obviously includes anything with ephedrine and caffeine in it. I haven't read the studies...
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    Newbie or Longtimer?

    Just started #5 this week, and can't see any reason to change things.  HST and my body go very well together. Steve
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    Fish Oil vs. Flax Oil

    I use both to cover all the bases. I also put walnuts in my morning oatmeal.   I mix a Tbsp of flax in with my cottage cheese and salsa so you can't taste it at all.  I also take around 6-10g of fish oil caps a day.  I get around 90-100g of fat in my diet a day. Here's another hint, flax oil...
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    Fish Oil

    Yeah, I should have known better than to buy based on price.  Oh well, I only wasted 7 bucks, so it's no big deal.  I can still use them until I get my hands on some higher quality brand. thanks for the info, Maybe there will be some HSN Omega3s soon   ;) Steve
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    Fish Oil

    What is the price of the Sears Labs Brand and where do you get them?   Nevermind, I just found them at the sear's lab site   Steve
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    Fish Oil

    Staying on topic, I had been using vitamin shop brand, but found a great deal at BJ's wholesale (like SAMs club).  They were $7.50 for 300 at 360epa and 240dha for 2 gelcaps.  I have noticed that the burps are worse with this brand.  Does anyone know if there is a big difference in brands as far...