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    Save your $$ and go with Lipo-ulta or Absolved from Avant. But as stated already, eating at a fairly good deficit is a must when using these products.
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    Bulking while on an keto diet

    TKD with HST is the way to go. consume the majority of the carbs after you train. You can add some extra carbs pre-workout in the 15's and then decrease them in the 10s finally dropping them altogether (pre WO) during the 5s. You can also get away with higher total calories during the higher...
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    green tea extract for weight loss

    This won't help with the taste, but it seems very potent, so you'd have to take it less often. BSL Green tea extract I'm not sure on the amount of powder, but I've read 10 cups a day for the brewed version. Make sure you look for EGCG content which ever way you go.
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    HST Equipment

    Being a person who trains exclusively at home with obviously "built for home" equipment, I am 100% for this idea. It would be nice to have solid equipment that you can completely trust. Great idea Bryan. Steve
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    Can anyone else relate to any of this!

    IMO, cyclic dieting is the way to avoid most of these symptoms (or at least limit them). What I do involves eating low calories on non HST days and then eating over maintenance on HST days all while ensuring a modest caloric deficit for the week. It takes longer to lean out, but is more...
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    Anyone tried T2

    It's crap. I went through a bottle of the original formula and found it did nothing for me at all. From reports, the T2-Pro is even less effective. FWIW
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    HSN P/D sale at Bulk Nutrition

    No problem, and just FYI to anyone interseted, the special ends on January 31st.
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    HSN P/D sale at Bulk Nutrition

    Hi guys, I just wanted to let you know that Bulk Nutrition (aka 1fast400) has a great deal on Primer and Driver going on. If you buy one bottle of Driver, you get a bottle of Primer free! Here's the link HSN sale Scroll to the bottom to see the details. That's the best deal I've seen on HSN...
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    Can Avant Labs Ab-solved hinder growth?

    I have used Ab-solved for around 6 months straight. I did two months of the twice a day applications until my waist came down almost 3 inches. I then switched to a once a day maitenance schedule, and my waist is still measuring the same, but I can now see my abs much better. I have noticed no...
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    Creatine during SD?

    Yes, you should continue to take it. It takes longer than 2 weeks for your levels to return to baseline.
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    Vinegar for Better Glycogen Repletion?

    Basically, I am doing mini refeeds around my training. It's along the lines of Twin Peaks carb cycling idea, but I don't do any no carb days only low and high. I don't feel that I have needed the no carb days up to this point. Perhaps if fatloss stalls during my next cutting cycle I will go...
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    Vinegar for Better Glycogen Repletion?

    Sure, it's really nothing special at all. Right after training-Driver with skim milk About an hour later-huge bowl of pasta 100-150g of carbs(vinegar here) an hour after that- something like a big bowl of sherbet or lucky charms this is repeated again in an hour. before bed- cup of cottage...
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    Vinegar for Better Glycogen Repletion?

    I couldn't tell you if it's had any effect on fat loss. I've been doing too many other things to single out the vinegar in that regard. I also only use it during that one large post workout carb meal where as Nandi used an every meal protocol. I don't even measure it out really. I just pour...
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    Vinegar for Better Glycogen Repletion?

    I've used vinegar with my post workout high carb (pasta) meal with noticable results. Within a few hours of that meal, I felt and looked almost as pumped as I did just after training. This does not happen to me without the vinegar. Nothing scientific about it though. It didn't hinder my...
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    The Ultimate Diet version 2.0

    I haven't had a chance to read UD 2.0 yet, but I will tell you that adding drop sets, or more acurately double drop sets, is a great way to deplete glycogen. You really need to push these to the point of being uncomfortable though. Throughout the 5s during this cycle I've been doing two sets...
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    FL7 and Absolved, same ingredients? Safe?

    I'll give a rudimentary explanation as I'm sure someone from Avant will cime in. FL7 is designed to penetrate the skin and deliver the active to the blood stream. Absolved is designed to deliver the active locally to the tissues. I'm not really qualified to speak on the differences in the...
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    Always do the 15s. Even if you have no joint pain now, they will act as a preventative measure.
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    The Ultimate Diet version 2.0

    I think it is Lyle's page I could be wrong though. If I am , just google for Lyle's name.
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    The Ultimate Diet version 2.0

    Right now, only a select few have the complete diet. Lyle mentioned that it should be out very soon on his site in .PDF format and the print version would be later than that. There is a thread at avant where he talks about it.