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  1. S

    Substitutes For Liquid Post Workout Nutrition

    HSN Driver is caesin protein and is great post workout. Steve
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    I usually try and order from 1fast, but I also use Vitamin Shoppe for things like fish/flax oil and vitamins. I would love to see HSN there. Steve
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    website opposing the anti-andro bill

    I missed this before adding my post. Thanks John. Steve
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    Please do your part

    I'm not usually a political person, and I appologize if this is inapropriate for the board, but in this case I just want to alert anyone who doesn't yet know that there is a bill that will be introduced to congress in January that proposes all pro-hormone/ pro-steroid products be scheduled in...
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    Best wishes

    Bryan, I want to wish you and your family a happy healthy and safe holiday season. Thanks for all your help and advice over the past year in helping me acheive my goals. And here's to a successful and profitable 2003 for HSN/HST Steve
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    Building muscle with low BF?

    I agree. I always feel more fatigued in general when eating an abundance of carbs. Over the summer when I was eating around 100g carbs on non training dasy and 200 on training days I felt much better. I also notice that high carb feedings after training do not have this same effect on me. Steve
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    1-AD usage

    I'm just learning this myself, so keep that in mind. When you come off any exogenous hormone, your natural Test levels are lower than when you started the Pro-Hormone/Steroid. If you just allow you natural levels to come back on its own, you will probably lose some of the gains because you...
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    Hey joe, Here's my take on pro-hormones and pro-steroids. They will work if you make some adjustments to your diet and training. They aren't magic, and they aren't as potent as the real deal. They basically are substances that once ingested or rubbed on convert to steroids and elicit the...
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    Fiber for fat loss

    I always got them before, so that's what must have happened. I'll sign up again. Thanks
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    Fiber for fat loss

    Hey, when did Thinkmuscle #22 come out?:confused:? Come to think of it, when did 20 and 21 come out?
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    Niacin Flush and Transdermals

    That is a great question. I wonder if there is a dosage needed to elicit the desired response. I wonder if Par has any insight into this. Steve
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    Anti - Estrogen after 1-Test cycle

    Yep, I started the Nordiol yesterday. I'm not taking anything for the possible side effects right now. The reason I went with Nordiol is the decreased risk of side effects. If I were doing a 1-test cycle things would be different. I took the arimidex to both decrease endogenous estrogen and...
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    Anti - Estrogen after 1-Test cycle

    I am no expert, but I have used Arimidex in the past and I know it works well. .5mg ED would probably be more than enough. Since you can get anything, I would think that with a short cycle that what ever you use will be ok. Steve
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    Ground oats

    Thanks guys. I susupected that it may be a wash when mixed together. I still don't think I'll use in post workout, but other than that I will give it a try. Steve
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    Ground oats

    After reading about this possibility elsewhere, I decided to give it a try. I took 1/4 cup of whole oats and ground them in a coffee grinder. This produced a fairly fine powder. I added it to my protein shake, and it was very good. It doesn't disolve, but it's not too intrusive either. The...
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    This is really pathetic I get so furstrated with things like this. How sad that products listed with 100mg of whatever have none of that substance even in them. It would be nice if these companies would stop spending all their money on advertising and start spending it on the products. Very...
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    help me- epedrine question

    Here it is Willie. Steve
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    How do you preform the HST cycle?

    I still do mine with 15,15,10,10,5,5 and then negatives on the things I can and 5RM on the things I can't do negs. It has worked well for me up to now, so I plan on continuing like this until it fails me. Steve