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  1. S

    nicotine gum combined with EC for FAT LOSS ?

    One drawback I can think of is that nicotine is physically addictive. So, even using the gum can cause a certain level of addiction. It's not near as dangerous as smoking, but still, who wants to be adicted to nicotine in any way. Just my 2 cents Steve
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    Well, That was very informative.  Thanks for the great post.   I think I will give loading a shot.  Probably 10g for 5 days split into 2 doses/day.  I will try and do it during the week of the 15s (if it's here).  My reasoning (which could be wrong) is that since these are the more glycogen...
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    Thanks Spencer, I forgot about that thread. Steve
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    Ok, I've been wanting to start using Creatine for a while now.  Since Bryan will be selling creatine soon, I have decided to give it a try and I just pre ordered it. A couple of questions.   Should I use it while dieting?  I still have a small amount of fat to lose before I start bulking...
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    Topical Yohimbine and Leptin levels?

    I just got mine yesterday, and I started last night. I am putting it on my upper abs and chest at night and lower abs/love handles and low back in the morning. I had some fairly good success with the Yohimburn, so I suspect that Lipoderm will work as well or better, since there is twice the...
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    Topical Yohimbine and Leptin levels?

    Thanks VC. I also asked at Par's site, and it seems that it won't be an issue. Did you order Lipoderm recently? Steve
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    Topical Yohimbine and Leptin levels?

    Some thing Lyle mentioned in another post got me thinking.  If I am using a topical Yohimbine product (and it is working as advertised), then since the fat is exiting the adipocytes, wouldn't leptin levels drop?  I assume that this could be counteracted with more frequent or longer, more intense...
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    Countering Insulin Desensitizers

    Ryan,  I am definitely not Lyle, but from what I understand, you want to be as insulin sensitive as possible during refeeds.  I personally don't use E/C during refeeds due to the fact that Bryan has said that it is far less effective in the presence of high carbs.  So, I don't like to waste it...
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    Countering Insulin Desensitizers

    Gotta agree with that =w=. I thought it sounded fishy myself. Steve
  10. S

    E/C and RMR

    Does anyone know how much E/C at normal dosage raises BMR?  Is it 1%, 5%, 10%??  Just wondering. Steve
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    Topical lipolytic aids. . .

    Nathan,  I have used MD6 (E/C/Y amongst other things) in the past and I had some mild to moderate side effects.  I got the palpitaions and chills along with increased anxiety.  I get none of that with the topical stuff even while using E/C with it (following Bryan's recomendations for dosing)...
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    Topical lipolytic aids. . .

    Hi E, Funny you brought this up.  Although I'm very happy with the Yohimburn, I have been reading more about Lipoderm-Y.   I like that Par seemingly has come up with a way to "more precisely" target the fat cells. Althoug you could be right about the DMSO.  I think he mentions that his...
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    Yohimburn smells like peppermint.  I spend half my morning smelling like a candy cane.  Actually, the smell fades in about an hour.  On the upside though it really does seem to be working.  It has reshaped my chest very nicely and although it has worked slower on my low abs, it has made a big...
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    I actually didn't do BF% because I can't for the life of me use the #### calipers I have.  I did take tape measurements and I have pictures before and I will take more after this cycle of HST which will be 6 weeks on the yohimburn (I think).  I may post them if I can get up the guts to do it.  ...
  15. S


    Hey E, I actually forgot to measure last weekend, and unless I've been off it for a couple of days I tend to hold some water so I have to wait until next this weekend. I can say that visually I look better around the chest, low abs/love handles, and under my chin. I really think the real results...
  16. S


    Lars,  it's definitely useful, but not if you kill yourself   ;)   (kidding) Seriously though, careful with the dosage.  Dropping back a bit may be the way to go. Although that circuit is not an easy one.  The shivering doesn't sound normal to me. Steve
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    Foundation Supplements

    Spencer, Here are a few suggestions. Protein:Cottage Cheese(extremely good source), lean Beef Carbs: Vegetables(high fiber),fruits(in moderation), brown rice Fats: nuts(walnuts,almonds), flax seeds(ground), flax oil, peanuts, olive oil Steve
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    Foundation Supplements

    The things I use year round are: Protein Powders EFA's Multi Vits/Mierals When I bulk in the fall I will add Creatine For cutting I use E/C and now Yohimburn (since it's working so well) Bryan, will we be seeing HSN HMB in the future? Steve
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    Where are you from?

    Boston Massachusetts-USA I only know that Singapore is a very clean and well run place.  No BS there or you pay for it.
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    Just wanted to give an update on my progress with the Yohimburn.   I've been using it for 2 weeks (5 days on/2 off) and I decided to do a quick wasit(navel) measurement yesterday.  My waist is down 1 inch in two weeks.  My chest is much more defined as well.  I started using it on my upper abs...