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  1. N


    Basically a short period of greatly increased calorie consumption during a dieting phase/cycle (even more important during longer cutting/diet cycles). It serves many purposes... check out the following threads.
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    Quality Prohormones

    If you do go with avant labs.. and assuming you plan to use them safely and smartly... I would strongly recommend you join and/or browse around the avant forums as there is tons of info that is highly beneficial. Btw, that board is one of the most balanced, professionally legit/fair, and...
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    Protein Poll

    1-1.25 for me. There are a million threads on this on virtually every board.... do a search anywhere and you will find lots of info... checkout the protein pulse feeding articles/threads as well...
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    Quality Prohormones

    Never used PH's, but if I did, they would be from Avant Labs (ONE+ product). Avant Labs Molecular Nutrition Ergopharm prolly gonna be those three at the top of the list IMO.
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    </span> <span =''> what about the down regulation of creatine transporters?
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    This is what I do... and believe it to work very well... there are a number of ways to do this though. 1.25-1.5 hours before I start training I eat my preworkout carbs (usually a bagel or pasta) and take it with 2.5 grams of creatine monohydrate (micronized). .75-.5 hours before I start...
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    Creatine Bloat

    The first time I ever used creatine I gained like 11 pounds in like 2.5 weeks... I was using it at 10grams per day (5 grams before and 5 grams after workout... with 300mg of ALA and 50 grams of dextrose with each intake)... I would say that 1/2 - 3/5 of the weight gained was water.. the rest was...
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    What's your opinion of using steroids?

    Sorry, I don't mean to steer the thread away from steroid use (in terms of cycles, etc..) towards HRT (and the philosophy of it). In regards to steroids use (in the form of cycle), as with some other things that are illegal (in the USA that is), the majority of users DO NOT know how to safely...
  9. N

    What's your opinion of using steroids?

    </span> <span =''> exactly... I hear ya bro. From a moral/ethical standpoint I would say the mass population should not/doesn't NEED it... however, at the same time, I don't think it is wrong as long as it is used properly and without the &quot;I'm going to live to be 100&quot; attitude...
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    Lean Muscle tissue

    </span> <span =''> Fish Oil caps are moreso a supply of EPA/DHA (this is what n-3 fatty acids are converted to in the body basically... however the rate is rather low, so some people choose to take fish oil caps to get the EPA/DHA rather than taking 2-4 Tbsp of n-3's such as flax oil.) read...
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    buying plain norephedrine?

    I read that it cannot be sourced openly alone... if you REALLY want it... veterinary sources or a few online sources might be your best bet.... you can buy a legal NYC stack from a few places... but the Y and C might not be what you want to include (I would stay away from oral/systemic...
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    ephedrine vs. E/C for bulking - Bryan?

    I too am curious about this... as I have done some recent research as to possible use of E/C and some nutrient partitioning supplements (such as nicotine, ALA, etc...) during a bulk and would like to learn more about this. I would normally reserve such things for a cutting period, but the...
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    Lean Muscle tissue

    Yes... flaxseed(s)/oil is a rich source of n-3 (omega-3) fatty acids... most people get way too much n-6 in their diet and not enough n-3.... It is beneficial for fat loss (although this would be mediated even more so by type of diet, caloric deficit, and many other factors of course..)...
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    vitamins and bright pee

    Not sure about the folic acid part... but from what I've read and been told (which of course might be incorrect) is that the bright urine when taking a multivitamin is the excess/processed vitamins which are not utilized... I take a daily multi and still have at least 4 clear uninations per day...
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    how big is everyone?

    5'8'', about 170 at roughly 10-11% bf.... diet is my major limiter (gotta hit the 3400+ daily cals to gain ).
  16. N

    Does Cutting Gel work??

    do a search on any BBing board/forum... it is widespread knowledge that cutting gel is basically useless for local fat loss and the only results seen are temporary water loss.. however, I have never used it myself... this is just what I have read OVER AND OVER again. IMO, Yohimburn and...
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    Maltodextrin vs. dextrose

    malto is a complex carb with a GI slightly HIGHER than dextrose (dextrose is a simple carb.. as you stated). The difference is that malto has to be broken down one step further than dextrose does. Either, on their own will get the job done, but from an optimal perspective, a post workout carb...
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    anti-aromatase only for cutting?

    for what specific purpose... estrogenic fat loss during a cutting period? gyno/chest fat treatment? or for water loss and/or natural test boost? and like I said, I can only say what I would do.. I can tell already that you guys are putting too much trust in my words... I love to help, but there...
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    anti-aromatase only for cutting?

    Glad i could help. 6-oxo is an OTC suicide aromatase inhibitor (similiar to the perscription drug aromasin) ... it permanetly binds to the aromatase enzyme and does not have a half-life (as opposed to arimidex which binds to aromatase but not permanetly). I asked a few questions in regards to...
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    anti-aromatase only for cutting?

    I have used an AA (inhibitor) during a short three week cutting period and would say yes IF you are primarily concerned with/have a prob with estrogenic fat AND you know what the heck you are doing. AA's (particularly arimidex/liquidex and femara and especially aromasin which is a suicide...