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  1. Z

    Oxidation of CLA and Omega 3

    Hi HST team I have got short question with a I think long answer :D Quoting form HST FAQ I have searched thru my materials and didn't find the mechanism why carbs could slow down oxidation of CLA I have only found link between 1. insuline and release of FA from adipose tissue 2. connection...
  2. Z

    Vitamin C

    cost ? maybe :D
  3. Z

    Primer and Driver protein...

    Bryan any place in Poland with HSN ?
  4. Z


    if it is working as it suppose to be don't change anything if you want to add more mass sooner you have to eat more (assuming your training is OK best e.g. HST)
  5. Z


    from Lyle "Pre-workout creatine isn't going to affect much/if anything at that workout" (more Glutamine with creatine) so does it really matter when one is taking creatine or not ? :D maybe not but just to let me know :D
  6. Z

    Four questions

    I was wondering one thing about volume and still haven't decided what is recommened (I know it is still personal thing) if volume should stay the same during whole HST cycle eg during 15 - 2 sets per bodypart = 30 reps per workout per bodypart during 10 - 3 sets per bodypart = 30 reps and...
  7. Z

    HST:CRE question

    Poland is so far away
  8. Z

    Calories Per Pound

    9--> I think it should be 10-12 cal/lb not 20 :D for cutting good starting point
  9. Z

    Hunger and calorie intake!!!!!

    how about protein intake in each meal ? also how much fat do you eat in each meal ? protein is known as appetite suppresent in short time after the meal, and fat is responsible for the same thing in long run (between meals)
  10. Z

    Fish Oil

    I would add Now Foods Omega3 :)
  11. Z

    Alternatives to dextrose

    why post workout fructose is bad ?
  12. Z

    how long can e + c be taken for cycyling off?

    To my suprise I have been told that synthetic ephedrine is much weeker then natural (from herb) I cannot image how can it be could someone help me to solve this puzzle ?
  13. Z

    ephedrine - prostate

    on the label of Vasopro Ephedrine HCl is stated that there is a risk of enlargement of prostate while taking this is there any real risk while taking recommended dose (6*12,5 mg) daily ?
  14. Z

    Fast and slow protein

    in terms of protein powers unless everything that is stated on label is in the box - everything is OK if you are interested in any product made in Poland (any company from Poland) contact me I will give you my opinion :)
  15. Z

    CLA safe

    Bryan sometime ago wrote article for Mucle Monthly about CLA new research questions safety of CLA Efficacy and safety of dietary supplements containing CLA for the treatment of obesity: evidence from animal and human studies. Larsen TM, Toubro S, Astrup A. Department of Human Nutrition, Center...
  16. Z


    5 % is close of course if weight is very small e.g. for dumbell curl for beginner is it allowed to repeat the weight even 2, 3 times before moving ahead use commom sense to judge when to repeat weight
  17. Z


    you should stop on 15 reps growth is not about fatigue :) if weight is really too light you can use slower pace or in case of 15s you can even use one weight through all 15 workouts
  18. Z


    most of us use rule of 5% as an increament so if 30 is your max I would take 22,5, 24, 25,5, 27, 28,5, 30
  19. Z

    Where'd you get your username?

    zmt first letters of whole name :)
  20. Z

    how many sets with 5's?

    I am also using constant total volume from 10 till 5 (so yes more sets in 5 stage)