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  1. Z

    Tea Boosts Immune system 5X

    haven't heard I think there are too many variables in muscle growth to decide if green tea is limiting factor (or am I wrong?)
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    20g and 5g are used for simplification I am asking for references please anybody ??
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    Bryan in other post you mentioned can I as for some references about the dosage of creatine during maintenance phase?
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    Question about tribulus/saponin

    I saw that article, but someone (tt seller) said that concentration is more important because higher concentrates allows less other components which prevent from optimal absorption
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    A question I've always wanted to know

    is it possible to ask for such research ?? in Poland the connection between creatine, ribose and HMB is strongly pushed by major polish supplement brand :D
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    My workout :-)

    7--> as I said I love your questions !! it makes me think again
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    My workout :-)

    go ahead in AD I love your questions !!
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    My workout :-)

    don't change the routine during whole macrocycle it will makes hard to detect the effective of cycle instead of deadlift you can use Lying Leg Curl I don't recommend behind neck, use from your chest rest seems OK to me
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    Where are you from?

    and stop joking it is not SFD - 'Szatnia'
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    HSN: Report #8

    List Builder - Error '' (my email) is already subscribed to this mailing list. and I don't have any new reports
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    Where are you from?

    a tu Biniu ;-)
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    keto questions

    in my opinion 1. first carb load should be after 7-14 days (rather sooner then later because your body is 'trained' to burn fats) 2. how many carbs ?? I would say, without limit, but stop carb load when you see that too much water under yous skin ;-) by Lyle...
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    Muscle Building Nutrition

    so once again it is about experimenting on your own body :)
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    Muscle Building Nutrition

    does any body knows if this still true (mostly for bulking) on low carb diet (bulking) ?? many people reported that they need way more calories on low carb than on high (moderate) carb diet to get the same increase in weight (muscle)
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    Keto or Atkins, and HST

    of course you can take creatine also without carbs simply it takes more time to get to the muscles ;)
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    Eggs replacing whey

    ok back to the oryginal question how about soy protein powder (still fast protein isn't it??) as before training meat ??
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    Diet question

    thanks and waiting for more :D
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    Diet question

    please tell us more
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    Diet question

    now question arises, how active this is ?? we all know here that calories count, but it really doesn't matter from which food source the calories are comming (I omitting health matters) ??
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    Diet question

    Could you please tell me more on this topic, I always thought that without insulin, fat is not suppose to go into fat cell ??