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  1. M

    female dietry requirments

    Look here for TEE, REE, etc. FM is fat mass, FFM is fat free mass. If you have estimated your bodyfat level you already know your fat mass. If for example you weigh 180lbs and you are 15%, then your FM is 180*0.15 = 27lbs. The rest of it, 180-27=153lbs is your Fat Free Mass, FFM. Yes, FFM...
  2. M

    female dietry requirments

    You keep saying I'm wrong, but then you post things that show I'm right :D What exactly is it that I'm wrong about ? My assertion was that LBM will be a much better predictor of REE than BW, and a beginner looking for a caloric estimation should better use his LBM. I know that there are a lot of...
  3. M

    female dietry requirments

    I don't think so :D If we study Mr. John Doe and his specific REE, then of course we will find a lot of things contributing to his REE. And it will not just be his FFM and FM, it might also be his age, his HR, his insulin, etc. But this still doesn't change what I say. This conversation...
  4. M

    Strange BF Caliper Results

    Yes, it's possible that you lose muscle while your strength remains the same, however I don't think this is the case. You should measure at least 3 sites. Abdominal, chest and front thigh are good, but you can also add suprailiac. It is possible that you lose from one place and not somewhere...
  5. M

    Device that Measures Body Fat %

    When I use it, I do so every morning after I pee, then I average a week's results. It's this average that I weigh up.
  6. M

    female dietry requirments

    Yes, adipose tissue is not inactive but it doesn't really matter. Its contribution to REE is not half of muscle's anyway. It is much less. This study tried to develop equations that predict REE from both fat free mass and fat mass, and as you can see the conclusion is that "FM explained...
  7. M

    Device that Measures Body Fat %

    Oh, and yes, I have that one too :D
  8. M

    Device that Measures Body Fat %

    It's just like the Tanita scales, only that they are handheld. They both use Bioelectric Impedance Analysis, they send a weak current through your body and because fat and lean mass have different conductivities they can estimate BF percentage. If you use them at the same time of day, same level...
  9. M

    body fat %

    And there is always the possibility that someone else is reading it for him :)
  10. M

    body fat %

    Here are some links. I recommend to just practice with skinfold measurement for the time being. After you get the grip of it, you can use the numbers in an equation for an actual estimation of bodyfat. I recommend the 3-site Jackson-Pollock equation with waist and forearm girth. The 3 Site...
  11. M

    body fat %

    Calipers are better in that they depend less on the hydration levels and bodyweight fluctuations. They are also much cheaper, with $20 you can find a reliable product. Tanita scales and other bioelectric impedance devices are not bad, but you'll have to accept that results may fluctuate greatly...
  12. M

    female dietry requirments

    I assume that athletes are not going to depend on a formula to determine their caloric requirements, this is why I said "for beginners". Body fat doesn't affect RMR, so calculations with bodyweight can lead obese people to overestimate their needs.
  13. M

    female dietry requirments

    For beginners, the first step would be estimating bf level & lean mass and working from there (there are several formulas for estimating your caloric needs from lbm). But in any case this would be only a starting point since caloric requirements can very tremendously among people, not to...
  14. M

    female dietry requirments

    Women generally have 5-10% lower BMR and greater fat percentage so these things must be accounted for when planning a diet. I don't consider bodyweight to be a reliable way of estimating caloric needs because of varying bodyfat levels. High-protein hypocaloric diets may promote calcium loss and...
  15. M

    Marinating chicken and beef?

    If you are really pedantic, you could just weigh the meat/fish before and after marinating it and calculate how much marinade it has absorbed. I think the amount is negligible. I regularly marinate meat and fish with whatever the recipe call for (teriyaki, olive oil + herbs, japanese vinegar...
  16. M

    Partial Reps

    Sometimes partials can be useful if you want to focus on one joint. Like in overhead presses, you may choose to lift the bar only slightly above your head, since after this point triceps work more than deltoids (watch Lou Ferigno's military presses in "Pumping Iron"). Since strength...
  17. M

    HIIT/Max-OT cardio and nutrition

    I can't find where they discuss post-exercise whey's effects on fat loss. They are talking about a high carb vs high protein pre-exercise meal and its effects on fat loss. The conclusion is that a high carb post exercise meal will shift the focus away from fat burning during exercise. And that...
  18. M

    HIIT/Max-OT cardio and nutrition

    Well, if you eat carbs and protein last night before you go to sleep, you'll still have more than enough glycogen in the morning. And glycogen stores are not that easy to completely deplete, just think that during a keto diet of 4 days you still have to do a depletion workout on the 5th day. So...
  19. M

    HIIT/Max-OT cardio and nutrition

    I know you are interested in fat loss and not performance, what else would you do HIIT for... :) But performance and fat loss may be related. Here's what I'd do: 1) Make sure I'm not glycogen depleted 2) Only eat very lightly for the hours before HIIT, maybe just a protein shake 3) No carbs...
  20. M

    Milk n Muscle

    ...because obviously it has a lower lactose content. I like milk but I have almost eliminated it because I'm lactose intolerant, as you also appear to be, judging from the symptoms. I can't eliminate ice-cream, though. :)