Search results

  1. M

    HIIT/Max-OT cardio and nutrition

    Consuming carbs before HIIT is not going to affect your performance if glycogen stores are already full. Blood glucose is rather unimportant for muscle performance during hard intensity exercise. In any case, the rise in catecholamine levels during hard exercise will result in hyperglycaemia by...
  2. M

    Alpha-lipoic acid

    I don't think it can significantly affect insulin sensitivity or creatine uptake in weight training people, although for diabetics it may be useful. As an antioxidant it probably is valuable if taken for an extended amount of time, like most other antioxidants.
  3. M

    Where'd you get your username?

    You are very very close... you just have to Greekify it :D
  4. M

    Questioning HST Methods

    Let me get this: Your 5RM (or is it 2RM) in squats is 623 lbs ?
  5. M

    good protein bars

    "good protein bar" is an oxymoron :D
  6. M

    Where'd you get your username?

    Both my first and last name start with "mic". How imaginative :D
  7. M

    Making 15's Work Right

    Actually during 15s and dropsets you should delay the concentric part of the movement. The eccentric should be relatively fast, the opposite of what we do during 10s and 5s. This is because we are now interested in producing as much lactic acid (and hydrogen ions etc) as possible, and to do this...
  8. M

    Hunger and calorie intake!!!!!

    VIPER, you have to overcome any hunger messages from your body if you are going to change the way you look. The messages that the body sends are not always towards good health. How do you think people become fat ? I am about the same, I would be satisfied with 4500-5000 kcals per day, when my...
  9. M

    Those last 2 inches

    Because as you get leaner, your breath and your GI contents will affect much more your waistline and will make consistent measurements more difficult.
  10. M

    Those last 2 inches

    The leaner you get, the less absolute mass of fat you'll be losing per week. 1 pound can make the difference from 9% to 8%, and yet you may need 2 weeks to lose it (if you also want to preserve as much lean mass as possible). 200-300 gr of fat loss per week are not going to show on the scale or...
  11. M

    Can anyone else relate to any of this!

    Low testosterone is responsible for many of the symptoms described. This is another advantage of people who use drugs, they can diet down without experiencing so much upset.
  12. M

    the metabolic typing diet

    I'm sure it has been debunked here too, but take a look at the late Mel Siff's lively version :D
  13. M


    150% of the baseline is a 50% increase. That study only shows that testosterone peaks after 1 week of abstinence. It doesn't show an overall average increase of testosterone.
  14. M

    lagging chest

    I propose to use exercises that make your chest feel burning on dropsets. This is a good indication that you get a good workout from the particular exercise and that biomechanic individualities (like extreme active & passive insufficiency points) do not take the focus away from your chest...
  15. M


    Look at this article, don't expect much though.
  16. M

    lagging chest

    I challenge anyone to prove to me that compound exercises are better than isolation ones. When you bench press or do pec-deck, the pecs adduct the humerus. They couldn't care less whether you bench or do any other exercise. "But", I hear you say, "with compounds I lift more...
  17. M

    Nutrition Book

    Sports & Exercise Nutrition by McArdle, Katch & Katch is great. (The invisible lurker strikes back! )
  18. M

    Maximising Intramuscular IGF-1

    The myonuclear number to cytoplasmic volume ratio is constant only in the context of a certain fiber type. In general, myonuclei in slow twitch fibers are more crowded, they have less cytoplasmic personal space. Look at the following: Tseng BS, Kasper CE, Edgerton VR - Cytoplasm-to-myonucleus...
  19. M

    Maximising Intramuscular IGF-1

    parakalo! (if the last two posts sound Greek to the rest of you, it's because they are :))
  20. M

    Maximising Intramuscular IGF-1

    Yep, protein breakdown, proteolysis. Like when you diet and cortisol goes up, enters the cells, binds its receptor, the resulting complex activates the ubiquitin system and proteolysis increases (muscle breaks down). Other things may happen that will reduce protein synthesis too (like decreased...