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  1. M


    Not sure what exactly you mean. Lean protein sources with low carbs are what's closer to protein powders: Low or zero fat cottage cheese Low or zero fat yogurt Egg whites Fish (not the fatty ones) Mollusks Lean cuts of beef or even pork Skinless chicken, turkey, ostrich
  2. M

    How to SD?

    Hmmm... I don't think training can solve those problems... Stedon maybe... or Haldol... or Zyprexa... :D
  3. M

    What % of calories should be fat?

    As long as you're getting EFAs and a minimum amount of other monounsaturated, polyunsaturated or even saturated fat (30-40gr ?), I really think percentages have muche less importance than what we are used to believe. Same with protein, take 1gr per lb and don't worry about percentages. Even...
  4. M

    keto questions

    Just make sure that the weekly caloric balance remains negative, I know many people who completely ruin their keto week with a ridiculous refeed. Even by reading Lyle's keto files you can discover moments of total confusion and dissapointment simply because he was often treating the refeed day...
  5. M

    Weight Gainer Powders

    It's not that they are bad per se, it's just that it's a huge waste of money, since you can make them all by yourself by mixing a pure protein powder with extremely cheap dextrose powder. Plus, there are more efficient ways to increase your caloric intake: Ground flax seed in milk, olive oil in...
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    How to SD?

    I meant anything that could cause the dreaded Repeated Bout Effect. Namely, lifting a heavy weight that will "protect" the muscle from subsequent bouts with lower weights (and so, will reduce hypertrophic signals).
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    Genes can express themselves in various ways, but why believe that they will support more muscle than what we used to have before training when we detrain again ? Hormone levels will stabilize again to pre-training levels. I know people who have quit weights and they all gradually reverted to...
  8. M

    How to SD?

    Yes, it can. Even lifting a couple of dumbbells while getting in position for some light flies may condition your biceps to a certain extent. Moving furniture around, carrying heavy bags, all are potential RBE establishers. At least in theory.
  9. M


    It won't have to be that high, and maintenance is easier than bulking, but yes, you will have to eat more if you continue to workout into middle age. If you stop weight training you will eventually and inevitably fall back to a genetically predetermined level. If it is too troublesome to arrange...
  10. M

    fat loss products

    Even if something works for you (ECA, T3, bromocriptine, yohimbine, etc *), this would mean that it would increase your BMR by about 5% (10% if you are extremely lucky). If your BMR is 1800 kcals, this translates to 90 kcals. Not a big deal, in any case. Disciplined dieting is the only...
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    1st AAS cycle of my life

    Why not post some pics, they'll be very inspiring :)
  12. M

    Chicken nutritional differences

    They could refer to different things: cooked - uncooked with skin - without skin breast - leg male - female (no, not that :D) 100gr of cooked skinless breast have about 31gr protein 100gr of raw leg with skin have about 18gr protein
  13. M


    Among other things it contains synephrine, a substance similar to ephedrine (weaker). Also contains caffeine. I doubt that synephrine had any major effect to your energy levels, but next time try drinking two cups of coffee (contain about the same amount of caffeine) half an hour before the...
  14. M

    Cutting on "high" calories

    Restless will chime in, I just wanted to note that this seems to be a logical level of calories for cutting if someone trains daily. Besides, there is sooooo much variety among the caloric requirements of various people... My brother for example, is 65kg and anything below 2600-2700 kcal is...
  15. M

    Appetite as a leptin level indicator ?

    Do you know if one can rely on his appetite in order to guesstimate his leptin levels ? If I diet for sometime but don't feel as hungry as I did in previous dieting periods, can I assume that my leptin levels are not low enough yet ? Regardless of my BF level ?
  16. M

    de novo fat synthesis from carbs

    Let's assume that the energy requirement of one person is 100 kcal for a certain amount of time. Also, let's assume liver is full of glucogen. He eats 25gr glucose, he covers his needs. He eats 25gr fructose, it's converted to fat, but in the absence of carbs he will burn this fat. Also see this.
  17. M

    de novo fat synthesis from carbs

    Fructose is not a complex carb Fructose is low GI Fructose will not be more lipogenic when everything else is taken inro acount. It will not convert to triglycerides until you eat more than 60gr daily. And even if it does, net fat gain/loss will be a function of total calories.
  18. M

    your results with HST...

    Great work I always admire successful cutting more than successful bulking because I know it's waaaaay more difficult. Now for some pics :)
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    de novo fat synthesis from carbs

    I think mikeynov was asking whether there would be any difference in the muscle/fat ratio of the gains or losses. The weight gain/loss would of course depend only on ingested calories. Even if it were possible to exactly produce high or low sugar/insulin responses, I wouldn't expect any...
  20. M

    Bryan, why isolate in Primer?

    I don't expect any real difference between whey and EAA. There are many ways to conduct such studies so that they favor one thing or the other. Ok, so an EAA solution may be absorbed slightly faster than a whey isolate. If you give both things right before a short workout it may show a...