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  1. S

    Protein Poll

    VC, Bryan says weight gain (i assume the weight gain is muscle) is greatest at 15% of calories coming from protein. How to you allocate the remaining 85% for carbs and fats? All this run contrary to everything that has been said about a mass diet, including the "eating for size&quot...
  2. S

    Other substances added to creatine...

    Bryan, you mention about putting up a creatine FAQ, where you will address the issue of the best way to take creatine, whether caffeine negates creatine etc etc.... Havent seen it since then.....guess you should be busy. A reminder for you then... Bump!!
  3. S

    flax seed oil and fish oil

    What about NOW brand of fish oil? They have 2 kinds, i suppose. 1 has the EPA significantly higher than the DHA while the other has the DHA higher than the EPA. The one with EPA higher than DHA is also more expensive. Does the ratio matters? as in, Which one is better suited for our purposes...
  4. S


    Thanks Bryan, It did cleared up the confusion. I think i got a little too excited over your previous comments, probably because i wasnt growing too well and i was focusing more on carbs. So can i conclude that the synergistic effect of protein, carbs and fats is the most important factor of a...
  5. S

    Protein Poll

    Good luck Biz!! Wear HST on your posing trunks!! </span> <span =''> This is very confusing! For optimal muscle gain, a diet of 15%protein, 85% carbs and fats should be followed for a skinny guy?? Isnt this a tad too extreme?? </span> <span =''> Bump!
  6. S

    Protein Poll

    Things are getting more and more confusing! :confused: Bryan, you are kinda like releasing a little of information post by post to keep us glued to the forum...hahaha! :D </span> <span =''> This is very different from the &quot;eating for size&quot; article and the &quot;1g/lb...
  7. S


    vicious, that post just makes things more confusing! I suppose u find it so....right? So, Bryan's comment &quot;Hypertrophy is only dependent on mechanical stimulus and incoming amino acids&quot; is wrong?? Wonder why Bryan didnt clarify things here as well.....
  8. S


    We are getting a little off track here. </span> <span =''> Would like to hear more opinions from anyone.....especially Bryan.
  9. S


    i was thinking of a carbs to protein ratio of 1-1.5:1 after hearing the comment by Bryan. Previously, i thought for bulking, a carbs to protein ratio of 2-3:1 is much more ideal in promoting an &quot;anabolic&quot; environment. The basis for this is the manipulation of insulin. A comment from...
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    This is one very interesting point Bryan state before the nutrition forum was reset. He says that hypertrophy is only dependent on a mechanical stimulus and incoming amino acids, not on insulin, carbs or fats. To me, protein are the materials, carbs do the building while fats ensure optimal...
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    Fish Oil vs. Flax Oil

    Thanks jacobp. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It seems a good choice to dump my Udo's choice oil blend now. everyone agree??? Are there any differences between GNC's Fish Oils and GNC's Salmon...
  12. S


    I hate to bring up old topics. But there hasnt been a conclusion for ZMA. My bottle of GNC's ZMA is almost done. Should i go out and get another bottle? Though the cost is low, i wouldnt want to waste money too. Whats everyone's opinions on ZMA? Is all ZMA equal? With backup by science would...
  13. S

    Fish Oil vs. Flax Oil

    It seems a good choice to dump my Udo's choice oil blend now. everyone agree??? Are there any differences between GNC's Fish Oils and GNC's Salmon Oils? I checked the label and both have the same amount of EPA/DHA. But the Salmon Oil is slightly more expensive. Why? Or am i using the wrong...
  14. S

    Whats the good word on CLA?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Looking at the human data only, I think CLA should be more useful minimizing lipogenesis on a mass phase than increasing lipolysis when cutting. <span id='postcolor'>...
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    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But saying that, if you feel like trying zinc/magnesiuom supplemnets, just buy generic ones. Dont worry about the hype of generic ones being encapsulated with calcium...
  16. S

    Fish Oil

    What do you guys think about Udo's Choice Oil Blend? Should i switch to fish oil gelcaps by GNC?
  17. S

    Where are you from?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">As for my knowledge of Singapore -- I know you cane snotty American vandals. Thumbs up. <span id='postcolor'> That was a long time ago! Michael Fay, the boy who...
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    Biotest Mag-10
