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  1. R

    Pre workout energy boost drinks

    I buy whey and maltodextrin from and mix the two together for both a pre and post workout need to buy an expensive, flavoured and marketed frink when you can make your own! The whey is the best I've seen too...just don't be scared of the animal products I've seen...
  2. R

    Partial Reps

    It seems to me that for pull downs and rows this debate is irrelevant as the most stretched part of the movement coincides with the part of the movement where you are strongest...therefore partials could be beneficial? For presses etc obviously the debate is relevant but I'm assuming all would...
  3. R

    Rep Maxes?

    Actually the longer you extend the 5s for and go on to negs etc the more conditioned your muscles will become and the longer you need to SD for....
  4. R

    Alternating exercises

    Hi mate, I'm note sure if this will be helpful as I'm no expert on strength training but thought I'd add my thoughts as I'm bored! :-D I've just completed a cycle where I have alternated between 3 separate sessions so I've been using 3 different exercises for every body part. I did this...
  5. R

    flat dumbell press

    Hi mate, I do dumbell presses with a weight that i can only lift twice - so I'm assuming this is more or the same as the weight you are using when you can't get it up (no pun intended!!) I lie back with the dumbells on my chest with a parallel grip, get my focus and take a deep breath and...
  6. R

    No strength from HST = Cause to worry?

    Just to add my experience to the others, I've been weight training for about 7 years and had pretty much stalled strength wise about 2 years ago...having followed HST for the last two years I've continuously increased my maxes, both 1RM and how the weights I can do for multiple reps, for every...
  7. R

    Working the abs

    From the same site as that exercise... 'From the Eastern Experts After a few research visits to Russia and collaborative projects with Eastern scientists and coaches, I learned that many experts regard special abdominal exercises as a total waste of time. They consider that the trunk muscles...
  8. R

    Working the abs

    Excellent, cheers guys, exactly the sort of thing I was looking for, going to try that exercise and continue with the other ones as well...stealing some from my girlfriend's yoga book!
  9. R

    Working the abs

    Thanks for the reply guys...Jester I think you put what I was trying to say to Ian perfectly :D I guess I'm just trying to figure out what is really necessary to do to get a decent set of abs beyond the fat loss part of it. I'm leaning towards doing less as I'm not sure they need specific work...
  10. R

    Working the abs

    Hi mate, No need to say sorry and thanks for the reply! But either Iàm not expressing myself very well or you've missed my point, one of the two! Diet is a given, hence why I don't want to address it in this post. And no I don't use this sort of workout for other body parts because I'm...
  11. R

    Working the abs

    Hi everyone, I don't know about everyone else but as far as my abs go I'm looking for definition and tone rather than size...with that in mind is it really necessary to do exercises such as crunches where the abs actually contract or are isometric exercises of equal or greater value? I try...
  12. R


    If you want a detailed comparison of HST to other routines, as well as anecdotes then vicious is a good guy to talk to...but what I wanted to say is do you not just fancy a change anyway? I assume you're not making many gains at the moment or you wouldn't want to change (and I think everyone...
  13. R

    Good Form on Skullcrushers

    It's the second one, although the third one is the same exercise but with dumbbells...I doubt it could be called a skull crusher as if you dropped the dumbell it wouldn't have the effect the exercise is named after!
  14. R

    Pull ups/Chin Ups

    I was thinking about this the other day - is the reason you can lift a heavier weight with neutral/underhand grip because this usually means a narrow grip compared to a wide grip for overhand? In which case the fact we can do more weight with the former comes down to the width of the grip rather...
  15. R

    best "handle/grip" for tricep pulldowns?

    Aren't press downs somewhat redundant too? Somewhere vicious has written about using stretch point movements for isolation movements (i.e. overhead press/skull crushers for tris) or more sets of the compound exercises.... I hope I'm wrong, I love press downs!
  16. R

    Pull ups/Chin Ups

    Interesting points, I always thought wider grip/palms facing away from you was better for back...although I'm not really sure begs the question why do all gyms have a wide bar on the lat pull down and instruct you to do the exercise with palms facing away from you? For some reason I am...
  17. R

    Pre and Post Protein Supplemetation

    I want to them to hurry up with the further study comparing protein and carb to just protein!! :)
  18. R

    whey vs micellar protein

    Thanks Aaron, So that study concludes that it doesn't really matter which of whey or casein you take after a workout? Or am I reading that wrong? With respect to your first comment, would it then be fine just to have a pre workout shake and then eat afterwards? I'd love to minimise the amount...
  19. R

    whey vs micellar protein

    I could be wrong but I never understand why someone would take a slow acting protein in the form of powder/a shake after a workout. I sandwich my workouts with whey/maltodextrin shakes and either eat at the same time as my post workout shake or half an hour after (chicken or tuna usually...
  20. R

    Where'd you get your username?

    The first part is pretty obvious - the second part simply stands for everton football club Those of you from the US might not have heard of them (Liverpool's better and blue half, Paul McCartney's favourite team, where Wayne Rooney started, Joe Max Moore played there for a bit...ringing any...