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  1. Blade

    Ah Ha, Think I Caught On To Something....

    I also tend to think there is a fatigue component in hypertrophy, as Bryan also stated - you can do singles close to 1RM but even with several sets not really achieve any significant muscle growth - although mechanical stress is huge. At loads above approx 80% of 1RM we have pretty much maximal...
  2. Blade

    Ah Ha, Think I Caught On To Something....

    Just keep in mind that doing 4 sets 7 reps @70% will get a lot of people close to failure on the last couple of sets - or at least so close to failure that you are getting into "effective reps" territory (generally the last 3-5 reps before failure is reached). So with 8 sets of 3 reps at an...
  3. Blade

    Ah Ha, Think I Caught On To Something....

    If you are talking about achieving failure per se, I think we can say for certain that doing that last rep is only useful if you are doing a single set. The added time required for neuromuscular recovery (muscular recovery outpaces the nervous system recovery by 1-2+ days) doesn’t seem to make...
  4. Blade

    Interesting Study, But Opposite Of Others...

    Exactly. They will help if inflammation is excessive, as in this study, but under normal circumstances there will be only moderate inflammation and NSAIDS will be counterproductive.
  5. Blade

    Ah Ha, Think I Caught On To Something....

    Related to NWlifters comment (I also asked Bryan this privately, but posting it here as food for thought): If the muscle gets conditioned to a certain load and set/rep combination, how is it that more advanced lifters exposed to 5-8RM loads for an extended period of time still respond with a...
  6. Blade

    Interesting Study, But Opposite Of Others...

    First one: it is true that hypertrophy can occur without SC activation-proliferation-differentiation, as long as the myonuclear domain is preserved. At some point, you can’t grow a bigger muscle without the SC process increasing the myonuclei pool. Second one: EMS induced injury isn’t a...
  7. Blade

    How Do You...........

    Weird, I get to see my own posts spanning 10 pages back all the way to 2003. Not sure what’s up.
  8. Blade

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    Fair enough, but you should also view SD as a central part of the training process - and again, no need to take 3 weeks off, but 9-12 days every 8-12 weeks (depending on how long you wish to extend the cycle) .
  9. Blade

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    Ok, and what is the deeper meaning behind that ’feeling’ you are craving for? What happens when you don’t have that ’feeling of training’?
  10. Blade

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    9-12 days is the common SD length, this was just from a proof-of-principle study. I personally find SD to be highly underrated, and wish I had been doing it on a regular basis these last few years of tinkering with various programming methods. What is it that you can’t "handle"? If you have...
  11. Blade

    Ah Ha, Think I Caught On To Something....

    The basic principle is one of progressive loading, where you gradually transition from a more metabolic focus into a mechanical focus - then deload to reset the tissue sensitivity - and restart the whole process. There is no need to overthink this, and other than rereading Bryan’s posts the last...
  12. Blade

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    As far as the research goes, hypertrophy tends to max out around 80-85% of 1RM and how many reps you can do on that varies according to the individual and that individual’s lifts/muscle groups. James Krieger recently posted an addendum to his "volume bible" in the membership portal of his...
  13. Blade

    How Do You...........

    Just go to your profile page, there should be tabs for both recent and all postings.
  14. Blade

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    Yeah, and a couple of recent studies have indeed shown that as long as total volume was the same, hypertrophy was essentially the same - but from a recovery standpoint I think most will find that they enjoy one more than the other, i.e. there are differences in both personality traits and...
  15. Blade

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    Given that I have pretty much reached my genetic potential, and also leaning out from a Keto/Carnivore approach, it’s really hard to tell if it makes any difference with the lower frequency - but I can definitely say that it takes up to 48hrs just to recover my strength for some exercises...
  16. Blade

    Max-stim Pdf - For Anyone Who Wants/lost It

    Yes, that is also in line with Bryan’s previous posts - and one might even consider minimizing the metabolic stress component towards the very end of the HST cycle to prolong the SD period for the metabolic pathways, and focus on the more mechanical component. This is just my hypothesis, and...
  17. Blade

    Max-stim Pdf - For Anyone Who Wants/lost It

    PITT-Force is just about the same thing, and I believe it uses heavier loads, yes.
  18. Blade

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    I know Bryan doesn’t frequent here much, but I would definitely love his input. I have gone through basically all types of permutations of programming, and I have done well with higher frequencies at 3x+/week per muscle group, but my connective tissue doesn’t always keep up with the demands and...
  19. Blade

    Max-stim Pdf - For Anyone Who Wants/lost It

    Cluster training is likely superior for strength and power, and may be better when working with heavy (5RM+) loads, but given the potentiating effect of metabolic stress it is likely inferior to straight sets (or Myo-reps) at lighter loads. So Dan was on to something when he pointed out the...