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  1. Blade

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    Great analogy. Research also seems to be mapping out more of the pathways involved in muscle growth. My question is - and has always been - are there any practical applications that we can actually use to modify our training approach? I.e. (and I...
  2. Blade

    Hey, What About Unplanned Increments?

    A: BB OHP Shoulder-Pull (see a video of the difference from Face-Pulls here: ) Loaded and banded pushups Narrow grip Pulldown (chins when I get closer to 10RM) Bulgarian Split Squat Leg Curl B: Bench Face-Pulls Medium overhand pulldowns (pullups when I get closer to 10RM) Unilateral RDL (will...
  3. Blade

    Hey, What About Unplanned Increments?

    This is exactly what I am doing in my current training cycle. I split it up into an A/B routine, tested my 15RMs then just subtracted 10% off of that for starting loads. So each A and B workout incremented 5% and I got in 3 workouts of each. Then I backed off 5% to get some zig-zag and switched...
  4. Blade


    Here you go :)
  5. Blade

    Milk Vs Skim Milk Absorption Postworkout

    Alan Aragon did a review on the post-workout fat issue a while ago, and found that it had no detrimental effect whatsoever. Why should it? Slowing down the insulin surge makes no difference, as insulin is only permissive - not anabolic per se. Slowing down the amino acid release makes no...
  6. Blade

    Milk Vs Skim Milk Absorption Postworkout

    This isn’t necessarily true. In this study, whole milk outperformed skim milk - even at equivalent calories, which means that the protein content of the skim milk group was higher - but the whole milk group still grew more muscle: There is most...
  7. Blade


    Great, let me know how it goes :)
  8. Blade

    Hst Cycle Duration.

    I think the 15s phase should probably be the shortest phase (2 weeks is good) as low-load, metabolic-type training tends to stagnate faster. The 10s phase could probably last up to 4 weeks, the 5s phase (I would continue with metabolic work through a single high-rep dropset for the first 2-3 of...
  9. Blade


    For dieting, I tend to let auto-regulation take care of it - yes - but I can also make a point that as you get more advanced a calorie deficit will impact recovery more...and since growth will be harder to come by at this point anyway, one could just aim at maintenance (which requires both less...
  10. Blade


    Yes, that’s how it is auto-regulated. I personally think that 1 Myo-rep set as prescribed is better than 3 traditional sets, while tagging on a rest-pause set on the end of a traditional set (which 15+4 essentially is) will be somewhere in between.
  11. Blade


    You could, but like I have said earlier and explain further in the e-book, Myo-reps really shine at higher rep ranges and lighter loads where the metabolic stimulus enhances motor unit recruitment and the mechanical signaling (mechanotransduction). In the context of HST, I think 3 sets of 10...
  12. Blade


    We have research showing that 5 sets is actually superior to 10 sets of 10, i.e. the volume is simply too far off to the right of the dose-response curve (I have good reason to believe it flattens out right around the 3-5 set per workout range) that it ended up being less effective than doing...
  13. Blade

    4th Cookie Cutter Cycle

    No worries, Rob :)
  14. Blade


    I would also consider mitochondrial function a limiting factor, for some it is THE limiting factor in their health and daily energy levels - so with the way some people train and eat, I wouldn’t be surprised that the lack of results is related to this. I would be surprised if it wasn’t...
  15. Blade


    Or he’s actually Deadpool.
  16. Blade

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    I won’t go into depth on all of these studies, let’s hope Bryan chimes in, though - but the last study contradicts several other studies on the topic. I would think the reason for the discrepancy is: - Training status - When and how the subjects were measured. CSA is incredibly difficult to...
  17. Blade


    I mention Myo-reps for compound lifts in the book, and for obvious reasons I’m not a fan of it - although top powerlifters such as Mike Tuchscherer and a lot of his coaching clients have used it with success.
  18. Blade


    Yes, exactly - SC activity (proliferation and differentiation) is the limiting factor in continued growth, and eventually this process is close to non-existent with heavy lifting and training age. So a phase of metabolic stimulus (occlusion/Myo-reps/stretch) may reignite progress (as per my...
  19. Blade


    Yes, Siff proposed a lot of theories - some of them have later been proven, but I don’t think this is one of them. I think it was based on the notion of there being different types of muscle growth, e.g. sarcoplasmic vs. myofibrillar hypertrophy - and I don’t think we have solid evidence of this...
  20. Blade


    Very interesting post, Bryan! I also agree that there is definitely some missing pieces to understanding the whole puzzle, specifically as it pertains to mitochondrial and ribosomal biogenesis. We spent a lot of time looking into the importance of mitochondria for energy production (and the...