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  1. Blade


    Awesome, thanks for the support! :) Let me know if you have any questions.
  2. Blade

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    My connective tissue health prevents me from having a higher frequency right now, and also - as mentioned - my stress and sleep now (e.g. a 7 month old who still wakes 2x/night for extra feedings) is a variable to take into consideration...
  3. Blade

    Have To Change Gyms.....what Now?

    Ok, also make sure you use at least 3, preferably 5-7 sites for measuring - but that sounds pretty good. My point still stands, no need to rush it. I tend to think that a growth process is usually accompanied by increased hunger, and force feeding will tend to cause more fat gain than is needed...
  4. Blade

    Have To Change Gyms.....what Now?

    I think that you have gained weight slightly too fast, although you definitely seem to have made some good gains if your fat gain is really 0.5% (how did you measure this?) - and that you might want to at least give it another week to stabilize and then judge from there. It could simply be that...
  5. Blade

    Have To Change Gyms.....what Now?

    No need to rush it. I think 1lbs a week is way too much unless you are in your first year of training. For an intermediate lifter it’s very hard to build muscle at a consistent rate of more than 1-2lbs/month. I would simply give it more time, this is a marathon - not a sprint.
  6. Blade

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    My routine these days is really minimalistic as I have a lot going on at the moment, and I’m also trying out different volume and frequency combinations to see what affects what. So it’s hard to tell you specifically. But just to give you an idea, I recently dropped down from 4 workouts to 3...
  7. Blade

    Stronger By Science’s Article “grow Like A New Lifter Again”

    They use special blood occlusion cuffs connected to a computerized system that regulates the pressure. The usual protocol is 30-15-15 (reps) with short rest between. They usually release the pressure between sets, as they haven’t noticed added benefits to keep the pressure on.
  8. Blade


    Awesome analogy, Bryan! I would point out, though - that when you are really lean - the body seems to be primed for fat gain moreso than muscle gain, but this is obviously a function of the varying degree of suppression of the HPTA and thyroid from extended dieting and single digit bf% I also...
  9. Blade

    Stronger By Science’s Article “grow Like A New Lifter Again”

    Yes, exactly, and Wernbom told me they had seen SC activation in advanced Norwegian Powerlifters after some pretty painful occlusion protocols - which should potentially lead to further muscle growth when heavy loading is applied. These were lifters that hadn’t seen any substantial body...
  10. Blade


    Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions or feedback (positive or negative) :)
  11. Blade

    Long Time No Hello

    50 is the new 40. Since we are all eating well, lifting weights and taking care of our bodies - age is truly just a number :)
  12. Blade


    Yes, way more exhaustive than the article :)
  13. Blade


    Shameless plug:
  14. Blade

    4th Cookie Cutter Cycle

    Ah yes, you were indeed - I just couldn’t remember your screen name attached to your real name. Those were some good times :)
  15. Blade

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    Good to see you here, NWlifter - always enjoyed your posts :) You can call me Blade, I have no issue with that. Hell, you could call me Shirley and sprinkle cinnamon on me for all I care - I have adopted the Stoic philosophy in recent years :D That might be the case, but IMO ST fibers don’t...
  16. Blade

    Long Time No Hello

    After all these years the training community has only grown, or more specifically - information is more freely available and more people are discussing/fighting about it online...I still miss the old days where one not only had civil but also intelligent and practical discussions with the...
  17. Blade

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    Glad to hear it, Simon :) Well, as I have pointed out in both the articles and the e-book, I think Myo-reps really shines at lighter loads where you need to work closer to failure - and stay there - to reach all available motor units. When working submaximally with 40-50% loads - i.e. more...
  18. Blade

    Bryan, What Are Your Thoughts On Higher Frequency Training?

    Awesome to see Bryan posting here again - long time, no see buddy! And also good to see many of the veterans still active here. I check in from time to time to see if there are any good discussions going, and haven’t been disappointed so far :) It’s a shame that "everyone" is on Facebook, as it...
  19. Blade

    4th Cookie Cutter Cycle

    Well, I wasn’t inspired by Gironda at all, I had barely read any of his work back when I first started developing Myo-reps. I must give the most credit to Mathias Wernbom who I had lots of interesting discussions with, the idea being spawned after his occlusion research and then his epic...
  20. Blade

    Rethinking Hst

    Yeah, you completely missed my point if you worked up to 1000 reps on pushups. Strength is also specific, so incline pushups may not have a lot of transference effect to incline bench. Hell, even DB Bench has little correlation to BB Bench. But all this rationalizing is making my head hurt. I...