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  1. Blade

    Rethinking Hst

    I think you need to be reminded that my intial reaction was to your comment that my advice should not be listened to because I am on TRT and have been using AAS in the past (even though I also pointed out that I got better results off everything while doing HST). This was a logical fallacy, and...
  2. Blade

    Rethinking Hst

    I see it is not sinking in yet, which is your typical Dunning-Kruger behavior, so let me be clear: You are in no position to make judgments about my knowledge or a training method I designed, based on my personal medical condition, health or needs thereof. Case in point: your lack of results...
  3. Blade

    Dup, Rpe And Hst

    The long head of the triceps is lacking stimulation in your exercise choices, you need to add something that places the triceps under stretch. A skullcrusher where you let the bar pass over your head and add a stretch to the movement, or a standing up tri extension will do the trick. Both can be...
  4. Blade

    Rethinking Hst

    So, your n=1 datapoint of not getting it to work for you - because you didn’t apply it properly, which is bleedingly obvious - means that you have to resort to ad hominems and blame my TRT? Way to project your insecurities. Yes, in fact, I know everything about the function of hormones and...
  5. Blade

    Rethinking Hst

    This coming from a guy who used to pester me with all kinds of inane questions in the past...suddenly my 20 years of experience with almost 3000 clients producing world class lifters and athletes (drug-free), and knowledge is suddenly invalid since I’m on doctor-prescribed TRT for life and has...
  6. Blade

    Happy B'day

    Thank you thank you I apologize for not spending as much time here as I used to, but my days are pretty much packed with work. I check in on maybe 3 forums, read posts from the most knowledgeable guys, and only post if I have the time or inclination. :) Besides, vicious and dkm has this...
  7. Blade

    Sucralose approved in Norway - Bryan

    We are ready to begin importing HSN to Norway. I've sent you a couple of e-mails, but no response - so I hope you check the forum once in a while. Contact me at Regards, Blade
  8. Blade

    Who's going to the Arnold Classic this year?

    No clue, I only track bodyweight, caliper measurements and strength.
  9. Blade

    Who's going to the Arnold Classic this year?

    Ok, so everything that could go wrong, went wrong. We were supposed to be in Columbus on Thursday the 3rd. The flight plan was Trondheim-Amsterdam-Detroit-Columbus. When we got to the airport, it turned out that Amsterdam was closed due to weather conditions (snow), but we would be rerouted via...
  10. Blade

    Who's going to the Arnold Classic this year?

    Good to know, I'll probably see you on Saturday since we arrive too late on Friday to get to the convention center. Zaf: Yes, I generally repeat loads on day 1 and 2. Lance: thank you, I appreciate the kind words - I've been busting my @$$ to bring up the pecs...err busting my pecs to bring up...
  11. Blade

    Who's going to the Arnold Classic this year?

    The Arnold Classic is in Columbus, Ohio My routine...well, these days it's not much different from the standard HST setup, but I do extra workouts of chest and back, so it looks kinda like this: Day 1: Squats Leg curl One-leg calf raises in leg press machine 30deg incline flyes followed by...
  12. Blade

    Who's going to the Arnold Classic this year?

    Overdieted and was holding water, but still exceeded the heavyweight cut off by 1lbs, so I had to compete in the super-heavies against guys with more muscles - placed 4th in the super-heavies. :confused: Will do better next time.
  13. Blade

    Who's going to the Arnold Classic this year?

    Thanks. No, that's not me in the picture - I'm somewhat heavier than that guy. :) People has been nagging me about new pictures for a while now, so here's one - taken about 3-4 months ago during my contest prep for the nationals:
  14. Blade

    Who's going to the Arnold Classic this year?

    That's too bad, it would be a pleasure meeting you. ...Lyle isn't going either this year... :confused:
  15. Blade

    Who's going to the Arnold Classic this year?

    It's called Tech Nutrition. We develop and distribute supplements, mainly protein, MRPs, a special EFA blend I designed, creatine, gainers, a Vitargo based sports drink etc etc. We also run a webshop carrying various videos, books and training equipment. I get to do seminars, workshops, and work...
  16. Blade

    Who's going to the Arnold Classic this year?

    Guess noone is going then... :confused: C'mon - I'll be travelling all the way from Norway for this, some of you can't make it to another state?
  17. Blade

    Who's going to the Arnold Classic this year?

    My company is planning to go to the Arnold Classic this year. It would great meeting you guys there, so who's going? Bryan, are you going this year?
  18. Blade

    Boris Kleine's Diet

    I'm not really sure, he started HST before I began working with him. Only when the competition schedule is really busy will he cycle carbs to avoid fat gain. He usually just goes straight high-moderate carbs, protein in the 400-420g range, and fats around 20%, of which a few tbs of olive oil...
  19. Blade

    Boris Kleine's Diet

    Boris stays pretty close to contest condition in his off-season. His body responds extremely well when he starts lowering his carbs. We've experimented with various approaches, and have used a carb-cycling scheme similar to the UD2.0 along with a few tricks in the final week of contest prep with...