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  1. Fausto

    Seated Row - switching arms

    Edge I don't quite understand your question totally. Do you mean is it still compound if arms are switched? How, different grip? :confused: Anyhoo, according to this it is compound Low cable row
  2. Fausto

    Thank You

    Colby I too am amazed at how much I learned since I joined this site, a million thanks to Bryan, Dan, Blade, Micmic, Navigator, Aaron, Kate, O&G (wish he'd came back darn it), JV (even though he joined recently he knows his stuff) and all the other experts if I missed any- must have since...
  3. Fausto

    Happy birthday

    ah, ah, ah, ah I guess when you're doing HST you're already almost there
  4. Fausto

    Training log

    JV Point taken Exactly my point! You bet
  5. Fausto

    battlechasers workout log

    Hang in there, mate! It is worth the wait, you better believe it! Cheers
  6. Fausto

    Training log

    Faz I don't think I will loose much, since i am near the end of the cycle, I will ponder on that as those two exercises were very much part of the routine, although they were in the iso's days and I am dropping that as I can feel symptoms of overtraining. I am sure that I can substitute those...
  7. Fausto

    Happy birthday

    Enjoy the day guys! Fausto
  8. Fausto

    Training log

    Hi All I thought I'd bump this thread out there again! Not because I want to be in the limelight, but rather because I am making a decision, and the feedback I always get helps me keep the program on track! I am dropping all leg work due to lower back issues, squats and deadlifts as from...
  9. Fausto

    Where to go from here(long)?

    Firm I don't quite know what to say. How long was your longest SD? Time to put that dept. to the test, I think :D Maybe the strength training is teh way to go after a nice long SD. Can't say you are on the loosing side, on the other hand I think HST will have limits according to one's best...
  10. Fausto

    More sets?

    Hi sphilip40 Welcome to HST! :D Thsi is not your normal "run of the mill" BB site! We'd like to think ourselves as a classy bunch of people who are here to help newbies and each other reagrdless of how much we think we know. Flaming newbies is waaaaaay out of line here, whoever...
  11. Fausto

    Finally started HST cycle (Advice needed)I'm on th

    Gazz, welcome to HST :D Domineaux has pretty much nailed it in the head Your workout is a toughy, doubling up by the fact that you take through the 12 days and then break, on top of it oin a claoric deficit, any reason why you'd want to do this (deficit)? I would say, first of all try out...
  12. Fausto

    Training log

    Well I am starting to think that not zigzagging made me "gallop" a little too fast, thus the pain in the joints and the feeling that I should stop within the next week. :confused: Instead, I am going to bring back the zigzag and may take the program into 9 or 12 weeks, I shall see...
  13. Fausto

    Training log

    JV I also kind of know what i eat during the day (take to work), so I can control that and what the wifie cooks, is only unknown till the time I eat it! So, I am kind of one day behind but since i started doing some tracking things are improving! I'll still try to get to Colby's level of...
  14. Fausto

    I'm back and I have a question

    Welcome back Chuck Been a while, hey? If you superset you could get done real fast, with teh added benefit of HST, nothing but a winner! I suggest you use compounds only till the 5's then add in curls and tricep work. Let us know what you wanting to do, 3 x week std HST, maybe a little...
  15. Fausto

    battlechasers workout log

    Battle Go with 245 for your max, trainling slightly happens to many, after all you did not fail, I bet that by the time you reach it going through the HST progression you'll probably be stronger. Shoulders - sounds like 110 would be it. Chins - stay with that weight, you only really have to...
  16. Fausto

    Max load increase: too slow?

    Dimitris has an important point, drops sets do not in any way substitute the load as a stimulus to provide growth! As I said before they are an Add-on.
  17. Fausto

    Question for veteran lifters only (2 or more yrs)

    Omega I doubt whether you will find a routine to satisfy you as an individual we are all so different! :confused: HST has no rule regarding this, there are some suggestions, yes, pick the best compounds and make a routine out of them, make it simple with about 5 to 6 exercises, throw in curls...
  18. Fausto

    battlechasers workout log

    Battle.... Definitely way to go! That way fat burning is at its best, specially if you can do that before eating, and it does not have to be 3 miles, 1 mile would do IMO, but that is up to you! You'll have to see how much calories that burns, compared to what you are eating, but that can...
  19. Fausto

    Training log

    Colby It seems like you did mate, you spreadsheet has got it tightly, I was almost ther but I had not thought of doing what you did, but it seems that it is the best way! JV - although you are right, tracking lower GI foods definitely helps as one tends to easily go overboard with those...
  20. Fausto

    Training log

    You bet it is! My mammoth squats as Jester calls it feel like they are about to break my back. Next cycle I am dropping squats for SLDL and good mornings just to get my lower back up to scratch, I am also going to tackle lagging body parts! Kinda like a repair program just for one cycle