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  1. M

    soy protein

    I didn't say anything different. I just pointed out that we can't have the antiestrogenic benefits from the soy powder as the article implies. And there is some contradiction: are phytoestrogens good like study no.2 says ? And if they are, why should we be happy with study no.3 ?
  2. M

    soy protein

    Not to say that soy is bad, but there are two points I don't like in this article: 1) From the studies he mentions, either 2 or 3 may prove his point. Not both of them. I mean, if there are no phytoestrogens in soy isolate, then how can they bind on estrogen receptors ? 2) Glutamic acid...
  3. M

    Case for less meals

    I know many bodybuilders who don't have the time for 6 meals and eat two times + one shake. There are advantages and disadvantages in this and both of them depend on the kind of protein you'll be ingesting. If we're talking about real food, I'd expect a lower rate of protein synthesis but also a...
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    SD Nutrition

    I don't see any reason why you should modify the ratios. Perhaps you could increase carbs and drop fat a lot just for the shake of cycling. Or the other way around. You could also try different food choices. Not that it is SD-specific, I just believe that changing from time to time is good :)
  5. M

    Blades Pics

    A pics forum is a nice idea. Some general guidelines should be given so that everyone uses a jpg format. Each person could have one and only one thread which s/he can update as s/he progresses. I'll be soon posting mine too, just waiting for that digital camera to arrive :)
  6. M

    How much protein powder per day?

    Beware of ignorant physicians. Many of them have a tendency to blame bodybuilding (and whatever goes with it, like high protein, AAS, etc) for everything that happens to bodybuilders. Just the other day I heard about a pathologist who attributed a case of renal failure to high protein intake...
  7. M

    california bans ephedra?

    Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that ephedrine is innocent. I have experienced the prostate enlargment myself. I had dysouria and frequent urgency, I had to decrease the dose for the symptoms to go away. In fact, I'm not even a fan of ephedrine since in my case the results were minimal...
  8. M

    california bans ephedra?

    David Greenwalt has a nice article at Powerstore about ephedra, where he also talks about how they blame ephedra for deaths: It seems that if you die and one person can testify that he has heard you saying the word "ephedra", the FDA has already determined the cause of death.
  9. M

    Blades Pics

    What I'd like to see is the way Blade implements increments in a couple of example exercises (compound & isolation)
  10. M

    running + strength training

    Strength training is certainly possible, it will make whatever muscle you have stronger. HST will also help to retain as much muscle as possible, but it all depends on how competitive you want to be. If you plan to run 10K on a permanent basis and train seriously for events, I wouldn't hope for...
  11. M

    Why not liquid meals?

    If you have 3-4 solid meals per day then you are doing great, as long as these meals contain good food (veggies, lean meat, fish, good oils, legumes etc).
  12. M

    Arachidonic Acid

    Look at this thread, where there's also a link pointing to a discussion about it elsewhere.
  13. M

    Instead of counting calories why not measure %

    No, I used "15%" merely as an example. What I mean is that if you are 10% (for example) and you decide to stop bulking when you reach 15%, this can happen in 3 months but it can also happen in 2 weeks. In the second case, you will have obviously gained a lot of fat. For example, if...
  14. M

    Help me with pre post w/o

    I think that what Aaron is looking for, is references substantiating the following claims: Are there specific studies associating cooked foods with intestinal problems ? Are there specific epidemiological studies proving that the average American carries 10 lbs of "extra fecal...
  15. M

    Instead of counting calories why not measure %

    I think he means "why not bulk up until I get 15% without counting calories ?" Some experienced lifters do it. If you have a consistent way of checking your bodyfat you can try it. But you could also become careless and eat more than you should, in which case you will reach 15% much...
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    New Leptin Study

    Try these: Lyle McDonald on Leptin Par Deus - Leptin: The Next BigThing NG - Leptin and Refeeding
  17. M

    New Leptin Study

    I also recall this article associating leptin with fertility in rats. Overeating for a period upwards of 5-6 hours will rise leptin, but proper upregulation requires something like 24 hours, at 25-50% above maintenance. The more difficult question is "how often". In general, the...
  18. M

    Bigger muscles grow slower or faster?

    If we impose the same workload on them, I don't think there will be any significant difference. If it takes 1 year for the biceps to grow by 10%, it should also take the quads 1 year for a 10% increase. I base this on my observation that most bodybuilders tend to retain their analogies when they...
  19. M

    Quality of Protein

    I would say the following things are important: - Amino acid profile (but as Bryan stated it becomes less important when you consume enough protein) - Rate of absorption - What else is there in the powder (fat, carbs, lactose, phyto estrogens, etc) Taste and ease of mixing may also be...
  20. M

    Zig-zag or repeat a weight?

    There was this thread where a few of us concurred that zig-zagging makes us feel better :)