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  1. Blade

    Blades Pics

    About 260lbs, 6' tall, arms 19" cold - 20"+ with pump, waist 36" (which is 2" up). Ab skinfold 12mm, suprailiac 6mm etc which puts me around 12-14%bf.
  2. Blade

    Blades Pics

    Last one...
  3. Blade

    Blades Pics

    A couple more pics from today with a little better lighting. I never take off my shirt in the gym, so this is all you get to see for now. Also, I'm fat...
  4. Blade

    Blades Pics

    LOL, I know I know...I just feel really fat and bloated now, my waist has increased by 2-3", and my V-taper is gone. Should be expected from the force-feeding I've implemented this cycle, but I was just really disappointed after seeing the pic. Thought I looked better earlier that day in...
  5. Blade

    Blades Pics

    And this one:
  6. Blade

    Blades Pics

    Yes, I get the point already :D If you all really want to see me in my fat and happy offseason shape, I'll get them done as soon as possible. I also posted some old pics a long time ago, about 30lbs lighter - e.g. this one:
  7. Blade

    How much protein powder per day?

    No, as calories go up, the need for protein goes down in the abundance of carbs. As calories go down, protein becomes more critical to maintain muscle mass.
  8. Blade

    I hate dextrose

    About 30/40. Yes, I dilute it to about 1L. I'm now at 100/50 during 5s. Probably because grape sugar is another name for glucose. Grapes and grape juice (and raisins) contain varying amounts of fructose/glucose, but an average is 50/50.
  9. Blade

    REALLY basic Newb question..

    Yes, that is correct - you got it... :)
  10. Blade

    I hate dextrose

    Grape juice is usually 50/50 fructose and glucose, so I don't consider that a good post-workout choice. Glucose is great if you can handle the sweet taste - I definitely can when on a bulking diet with a 150/50 ratio of carbs/protein in my post-workout shake...
  11. Blade

    Calorie restriction

    Lyle McDonald has hinted numerous times on the Keto forum that he has some strategy employing this principle, and that he would reveal it far he hasn't spilled his beans, though... :D
  12. Blade

    REALLY basic Newb question..

    You have to TEST for your RMs. Just pick a load that is reasonably low and rep out with it for the chosen exercise. If you overshoot the rep target - i.e. you easily get 20 reps when testing for your 15RM - increase the load by 5-10lbs and test it again until you get closer to your target. If...
  13. Blade


    I like it, but I currently don't do any overhead pressing at all.
  14. Blade

    Inner thighs

    Don't tell Vince you said that
  15. Blade

    Inner thighs

    I'm one week into my 5s, and just by widening my stance 8" on my squats yesterday I can barely get out of my car today...
  16. Blade

    Calves training specifics

    Doing one leg at a time means that you don't need as many plates on the machine - if you aren't already doing that.
  17. Blade


    You should be getting a minimum of 6g of CLA to notice any effects from it, so 8 pills per day.
  18. Blade

    Inner thighs

    The reason wide stance works the inner thighs more is because you get more stretch in that area in the bottom position. Anyone familiar with the FAQ section knows what a powerful stimulus for growth stretching under load can be.
  19. Blade


    I've only been doing side- and bent-over laterals my last couple of cycles. The partial OHP is good, but why not experiment and see what you like better?
  20. Blade

    Inner thighs

    Don't misconstrue my outburst as ridicule towards you - it was in now way intended that way. I'm simply tired of seeing people (especially women who are so scared of getting "buff" ) in gyms everywhere doing endless sets of situps, tricep kickbacks, and *shiver* the adductor...