Search results

  1. M

    your results with HST...

    I have been using HST (and variations of HST) for about 3 months now, and for me, it has been slow going. I am 49, don't have the best diet or sleeping habits, which probably has something to do with the results. But compared to other methods I have used, I have to say that it works and has...
  2. M

    what happens on your 15-10-5RM day?

    Thank you. I guess it was just the first day of using heavy weights again. I am on my third day and pressed 190 with less effort than the first day at 180. I guess the strength is there and coming back.
  3. M

    what happens on your 15-10-5RM day?

    I wonder if I am doing something wrong. I followed the 15 rep and 10 rep periods very closedly. I just started my 5 rep part of the plan and I have lost strength. Is that normal? For example. My 5RM for the bench was 215, and my first day of the 5rep sets I could just barely do 5 at 180lbs...