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  1. L

    Where is the Creatine?

    Hey Bryan I was wondering when the store is going to be selling creatine again. I much rather send my money to you than GNC.
  2. L

    HST to get big then HIT to get strong?

    Sorry for the duplicate thread the site crashed on me right when I was posting and I did no think the first one went through.
  3. L

    HST to get big then HIT to get strong?

    From all that I have read on this site it seem that HIT training will eventually hit a Plateau when you made as many neuromuscular improvements as you can and strength improvements get stifled by muscle size. Am I right on this regard? Would you see quicker gains in strength by using HST to get...
  4. L

    HST to get big then HIT to get strong?

    From all that I have read on this site it seem that HIT training will eventually hit a Plateau when you made as many neuromuscular improvements as you can and strength improvements get stifled by muscle size. Am I right on this regard? Would you see quicker gains in strength by using HST to get...
  5. L

    Trying to understand DOMS and HST

    Thanks guys. It is going to take a while to get thought all that info. What I would like to know is why would one set to failure of like 12 reps tax the CNS more, than 2 sets of 10 reps.
  6. L

    Trying to understand DOMS and HST

    First of all Let me start by saying that until I found this website I fell squarely into the HIT camp. As I read more and learn the actual science behind muscle building I started to rethink things. However I need to get some stuff clearified before I can adapt my way of thinking. 1. What...