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  1. N


    Do you use multivitamins?
  2. N

    Maltodextrin and dextrose

    Please help me sort out a couple of things.. What is maltodextrin and from were can I get maltodextrin? What is dextrose and from were can I get dextrose? If I understand things right I should have maltodextrin before training and dextrose after training? Can anyone give me examples of what...
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    Where are you from?

    Hi Spencer.. Hehe, not much to say about my country except that I love living in it. Love the nature and the people livin' in it. Pretty big area with very small amount of people (little less than 9 miljon), like that. Stockholm also is a great city. Especially in the summer! Im 18 years old...
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    Where are you from?

    Stockholm, sweden
  5. N

    HST Calculator

    Great Calculator! Just one thing, are there any chanses that you will be able to write dots? Since many of my weights have .5 in it.
  6. N

    How do you preform the HST cycle?

    How do you preform the HST cycle? How is it going ? If you choose other, please post how you preform it.