2016 Log

Upper volume and lower GPP day


10min wake-up walk

Bench, pinkies on rings; 1 x15-70. 1 x8, 6, 6 -100.
Bent over rows, pinkies on rings; 1 x15-70. 3 x8-110.
The bent over rows felt really good, maintained torso angle, looking down between heels basically for bench I need to lower the load significantly. Systemic fatigue is high on these morning’s and the load probably matters a lot less than the volume.

WG neutral pull-ups, max-stim protocol; 1 x40-bw+10kgs. This grip position works much better high in the hands than fingertips, the reverse of chin-ups.

Dips, max-stim protocol, handles set 9 holes above bench safeties; 1 x35-bw.

Belt squats, paused, 3 mat deficit; 4 x20-100.
CG Axle hypers, lower back emphasis, #1 50 deg; 4 x20-60kg.

BB curls; 2 x20-30kgs.
Buffalo behind head triceps press; 2 x20-22kgs.
Standing banded abs; 2 x20-IE blue band.
Giant set.
Stability of the barbells felt better on inflamed right shoulder. DB loads will need to drop down a lot to be viable atm.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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Max effort lower and chins day

111.5 but heavier than intending but some of the recent gains are definitely arms and quads, so can’t get too fixated on a raw number.

10min wake-up walk
PSOAS raises; 1 x15-green shorty power band

DL to max, medium-V stance, ground up; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120, 170. 1 x1-200, 220, 240, 250, 270. 290 failed
Back offs; 1 x6-250@8.5.

Buffalo squat heavy triples, ATG; 1 x5-72. 1 x3-122, 142, 142, 142. Around 8-9ish range.
Chin-ups, reset reps; 1 x5-bw, bw+20kgs. 2 x3-bw+40kgs@9.5, @9.5, @10.

WG chin-ups, continuous; 2 x5-bw+15kgs.
Standing banded abs; 3 x20-IE blue band.

Daily walks
5 x15min
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Max effort upper day


10min wake-up walk

Bench to max, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x3-100. 1 x1-120, 125, 130, 135. Still an inch too high without a touch on 135.
Back offs, CGBP; 1 x10-70.

WG pull-ups, leaning-back; 7 x5-bw.

Upright rows, slow tempo, DL grip width, gorilla grip; 3 x50-10.
Dips; 3 x8-bw.
Band seated row: 3 x10-IE short blue band. A better setup but still not enough tension at the start of the to due to band slack. Something to think on.
Giant set.

Standing banded crunches; 3 x20-IE blue band.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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Lower speed day


10min wake-up walk
Psoas raises; 1 x15-geeen shorty power band

DLs, speed pulls; 3 x1-70, 120, 170. 5 x1-200.

Standing jumps; 2 x10-bw+20kgs.

SG hypers, #7 50deg; 3 x12-80kg. A bit light.
Belt squats, paused, 3 mat deficit, oly shoes; 3 x10-100.

Standing banded abs; 1 x20-IE blue band.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Upper max-stim day


5min wake-up walk

Chin-ups, max-stim protocol; 1 x5-bw. 1 x35-bw+20kgs.

Larsen Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 10 x1-110.

WG pull-ups, gorilla grip, lean back, clustered; 10 x3-bw.
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Standing jumps; 1 x10-bw. 2 x10-bw+15kg DB each hand. Will probably have more sets with fewer reps. Focus on the explosive aspect of the jump.

DB lunges; 1 x10-15kg, 1 x10-10kg DB each hand. Will add reps to these.

Spinal rows; 4 x15-72.6 machine.

Lying leg curls; 2 x15-18.2 machine.
Neutral pull-ups, versa’s; 2 x15, 1 x10-bw.

Chest press, 4th hole bar angle, 3rd hole seat angle; 3 x15-49.9 machine

Cable abs; 3 x10-40.9 machine.


One arm cable rows; 2 x10-40.9 machine.

Cable abs; 2 x10-40.9 machine.

DB upright rows; 2 x12-15kgs.
Cable pull throughs; 1 x15-18.2. 3 x15-27.2. Machine. Can go up in load at least one increment.

Cable zercher squats; 1 x15-27.2. 3 x15-40.9.

Not perfect but better than nothing and better than before.

Cable zercher hinges; 1 x 15-27.2. 3 x15-40.9. Found a good groove, nice to be able to hinge effectively.

Lying leg curls; 2 x12-18.2 machine. Hard to find the right position on this particular piece of equipment. Definitely needs some maintenance too.
WG lat pulldowns; 1 x15-54.5. 3 x10-68.1 machine.

Seated DB OHP; 1 x15-15kgs per hand. 3 x10-17.5.kgs.

WG seated row; 3 x15-68.1.

Seated DB OHP; 1 x15-15kgs per hand. 3 x10-17.5.kgs.
Zercher cable squats; 1 x10-27.2. 3 x10-45.4 machine.

Zercher cable hinges; 3 x10-40.9 machine

Seated Zercher cable hinges, full ROM; 4 x10-40.9 machine.
Zercher cable squats; 1 x10-31.3. 4 x10-49.9 machine.

Zercher cable hinges; 3 x10-40.9 machine.

Seated Zercher cable hinges, full ROM; 2 x10-40.9. 2 x10-45.4 machine.
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WG pull-ups, clustered; 10 x5-bw.

CG neutral pull-ups; 4 x8-bw.
CG push-ups; 4 x10-bw.
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Max effort lower day

Missed weigh-in

10min wake-up walk
Psoas raises: 1 x15-green shorty band

DL to max; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120, 170. 1 x1-220, 230, 240, 250. Lower back just held on through the slowest point. Feeling a bit out of practice but the zercher work on holiday seems to have paid off a little at least.
Back offs; 1 x3-220@9.5. Just need to build capacity and exposure back up.

SSB SQ; 1 x5-82. 3 x5-122.
Chin-ups, reset reps; 1 x5-bw. 3 x5-bw+25kgs.

RDLs, frog stance; 3 x5-170. Work capacity for legs is shot to shit a bit, will bring the reps up before load. Aiming to get the right hip abduction problem properly addressed and build the PC. Will need a deficit next time.

Belt squats, paused, ply shoes; 3 x10-120.
WG chin-ups; 3 x8-bw.

Step ups, box+6 mats, oly shoes; 1 x20-bw.
Sit-ups on cross-bench; 1 x20-be. Taking these carefully but felt really good, as though I was opening up a lot of stuff around the hips.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Max effort upper day


5min wake-up walk

Bench to max, pinkies on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x3-100. 1 x1-105, 110, 115@9. Forgot to put butt back down after the un-rack.
Back offs; 2 x5-100@9, @9.

Seal rows, pinkies on rings, gorilla grip, reset reps; 1 x10-70. 6 x5-90.

CG bench, thumbs to smooth; 2 x10, 1 x5-80. Work capacity for upper body push needs a lot of rebuilding.

BB rows, close stance, high hips; 3 x10-70. Looking between by heels, training my lats to work with lower back in DL starting position. Felt great.

Upright rows, controlled tempo and bar path; 2 x15-50.
Overheard triceps extension, Buffalo bar; 2 x10-32. Felt shit. CG OHP next week.

Neck extensions; 1 x20, 16 -25kgs.
Standing banded abs; 2 x20-IE blue band.

Daily walks
Nil due to work schedule, adjusted calories down.
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Lower body and chin up volume

109.7 head cold is kicking my arse pretty badly. Will probably impact today.

10min wake-up walk
Psoas band raises; 1 x15-green shorty power band

DL, close V-stance, fixed view between heels, heavy triples; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120, 170 hook. 3 x3-220. Good form and slack pull, wedge etc., but between holiday and the illness, my work capacity is shot to shit today.

Seated DL, box+12 mats; 3 x6-220.

SSB GMs, middle stance; 2 x15-82. Load needs to go up but hitting the glutes and adductors nicely.

Zercher SQ; 2 x10-70.

Zercher GMs; 2 x12-50.
Standing banded abs; 2 x20-IE blue band.

Nordic curls assisted; 3 x12-green band assisted.
Chin ups; 3 x12-bw.
Sit-ups across bench; 3 x20-bw.
Giant set.

Gruelling session given the deconditioning from holidaying and being unwell.

Would like 3rd sets on the middle accessories and another quad exercise in there. Probably step ups, and I revert to my old chins-hyper-belt squats giant set on Mondays.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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Upper volume

110.0. Still heavily impaired by the respiratory illness. Breathing is sluggish but opens up a bit once I’m up and about.

10min wake-up walk

Bench, paused index on rings; 1 x10-70. 4 x8-90.
WG pull-ups; 4 x10, 1 x8-bw.

Upright rows; 3 x15-50.

CG OHP, buffalo, pinkies to knurl; 3 x8-52.
BB curls; 3 x8-40.

DB preacher curls; 2 x8-DB+10kgs.
Overhead band extensions; 2 x10-IE blue band.
Lateral raises; 2 x10-DB+10kgs.
Giant set.

Hanging leg raises, controlled; 2 x15-bw.
Neck extensions; missed

Daily walks
1 x30min
1 x15min

Speed pulls with short bands; 10x 1-70+purple.
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